CTC Gridiron 100k - New Forest

Lovely low-key ride on Sunday (11th)- although they got 750 starters!
Cheap as chips as well, £6 on the day, includes tea/biscuits in 2 village halls on the way round. Not a super-fast blast, no timings done, but an nice pootle.
Bit unfortunate it was on the same day and with a similar route to the New Forest sportive - I saw a few sportive riders trying to stop at our first feed stop!
Thanks to all the volunteers.

One incredibly unlucky guy came off his bike outside the finish HQ and was clearly in a lot of pain - anyone know how he is? Hope he recovers soon.


  • Richard_D
    Richard_D Posts: 320
    Glad it was a good ride. I met some of one or the other of the sportives when I was out for my Sunday morning loop through Burley and Crow. There seemed to be quite a mix of people from road bikes to MTBs. It is not the first time this year when there seems to have been 2 events on at the same time. When they did the charity 48 miler a few weeks ago we cycled west instead and came acroos a different event around Holt