Sportive Finances

Riding the Gridiron CTC ride around the New Forest today. Cost £6 to enter (£4 if I'd entered in advance). Shortly after leaving Hyde village hall (free tea & biscuits and proper loos, all inside) we came across a food stop for the New Forest sportive (cost - £19 or £22 for the 2 longer routes) which was a gazebo by the side of the road - not sure what food was on offer, but certainly no loos.

Made me wonder how much it actually costs to put on a sportive - has anyone published the accounts for such an event? I appreciate it's a different thing from the CTC audax ride but I do wonder why they can't/don't manage to hire a village hall for stops.

As a separate, but related, issue, I think a criteria for sportives for me and Mrs SoaG next year will be provision of loos at stops - it's not so easy for a woman to have a pee by the side of the road, like it is for us guys, and I've got a intestinal problem that can mean I need the loo fairly urgently. Whilst some may be happy to ride for ~5 hours without a loo stop, some of us need one. With the number of sportives around at present, I'm sure we'll not be short of options.

Also rather poor planning by someone to have 2 rides with very similar routes on the same day - I saw a few sportive riders looking to stop at a CTC feedstop - apart from anything else, it won't have helped their times.