Routes near Bala in Wales

fto-si Posts: 402
edited November 2009 in Tour & expedition
Looking for some interesting routes or climbs to build into routes within about 25 miles of Bala in Wales.
Have already got plans to climb Bwlch-y-Groes and Horseshoe Pass.
Need a few more...any help appreciated :D


  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    All of this route is great. ... &Itemid=76

    Watch out for the drivers. Had a weekend up there in the summer and got never ending
    abuse - including one car that tried to knock me off with their door.

    Bala is also a very odd place.
  • T.C.
    T.C. Posts: 495
    Could you explain what's odd about it please ?
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    TheStone wrote:
    Bala is also a very odd place.
    In my opinion, Bala used to have the best chip-and-fish shop in Wales, 2nd or 3rd best in the UK. Also, roughly opposite, there was a great pub, for beer, atmosphere, intermingling with locals, and darts. I heard the chippy has changed hands and isn't any longer the same. Don't know about the pub.
  • Heaney
    Heaney Posts: 85
    The chippy is "Y Badell Aur" and it's always my first stop after Wild Wales and Gran Fondo.
  • SDF64
    SDF64 Posts: 34 ... nwy-Loop-0

    We rode this route earlier in the year. A few dodgy road surfaces but mainly traffic free, at least it was on the day we did it