funny clip

dave_1 Posts: 9,512
edited October 2009 in Pro race
who was on EPO and not? Fignon, who was in the TDF 1993 and has written a book in 2009 with nothing to lose by the looks of his situation, it seems, and doesn't say he used EPO but says he used cortisone and amphets. Rooks hadn't by 1993 used EPO he claims, but Indurain is there, Rominger the hayfever suffererer of 1988-89 there and Zenon J 3d in Newcastle stage of 1984 Milk Race is there, Bugno dropped...dominant Giro winner 1990, scared to use in 93? (handstands?)

Of Jaskula and the columbian? The columbian doped in a different way perhaps-Andes? ... re=related

Who won?


  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Jaskula was a bit of a one hit wonder. He had an odd style too, often climbing 5 metres behind everyone else but he wasn't dropped, he just seemed to like having everyone else in sight.

    As for who won? It looks like a photofinish between Conconi and Ferrari.