Most miles in a week?

nolf Posts: 1,287
edited October 2009 in The bottom bracket
This week I've had my biggest ever week of riding and have covered a ridiculous number of miles.
My current tally is 280 miles in days, so am aiming to do more than 20 tomorrow so that I can get it up to the big 300. Average for the week is 18.1mph (excluding 12 mile recovery ride Monday). Chuffed but a bit exhausted and can't sleep! :)

So guys/girls whats the most you've done in a week?
Anyone beaten 500?
"I hold it true, what'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost;
Than never to have loved at all."

Alfred Tennyson


  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    This year I flew to see the TDf (flew to Nice).
    Landed thursday lunch time.
    Returned to the airport on the Monday,just after lunchtime,to fly back.
    Just short of 380 miles,including tent,sleeping bag & panniers.
    Worked out at about 3 full days riding,& oh yes,The saturday,I hardly covered any miles,due to being on the Ventoux!
    Mind you,cramming the miles in,when not fully fit,& carrying about 3 stone in weight on the bike did take it's toll on my legs!!
    I'm sure this mileage will pale into insignificance,as a FEW people have done LEJOG in a couple of days :shock:
    so many cols,so little time!
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    Did about 475miles in March on a Majorca training camp. Rained every day we were there....475 wet character building miles!
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    At one point I was doing like 350miles every week, that was last year, god knows where I got the energy from, I'm doing between 180 and 240 a week now. Now and again it might hit 300, I used to commute 25 miles 4 days a week though so that added to my total, now it's 6 miles 3 days a week :\
  • Mothyman
    Mothyman Posts: 655
    ..but does your average cycle miles beat your average car miles over a lengthy time?...(mine doesnt...not allowed out more than twice a week on the bike)
  • penugent
    penugent Posts: 913
    Mothyman wrote:
    ..but does your average cycle miles beat your average car miles over a lengthy time?...(mine doesnt...not allowed out more than twice a week on the bike)

    My avg annual mileage is 5,000 in my car 10,000 on my bikes.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    My record was about 4-5 years ago where I managed to rack up 800km - it went something like this: Saturday - group ride 160km, Sunday, club ride 160km, Monday, solo 100km , Tuesday solo 100km, Wednesday, group ride 120km, Thursday, solo 100km, Friday, solo 60km - I think I took the next few days off - average speed for the week was about 30kph too. I was off work with a stress-related illness and the doc suggested a bit of bike riding was good therapy.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    Back in 1992 , 700 whilst riding end to end.
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    Same as Bagpuss, around 700 on the Tour du Canada. I'd probably have done more, but we were limited due to the campsites being prebooked.
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill
  • Aggieboy
    Aggieboy Posts: 3,996
    Monty Dog - Could you please confirm that no animals were harmed while making your avatar. :lol:
    "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, t'would be a pity to damage yours."
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,881
    About 15 years ago I did about 570 in a week now I'd be happy if I could do 57 miles in a week!
  • DaSy
    DaSy Posts: 599
    440 miles in a week when I rode the Route des Grande Alpes earlier this year.
    Complicating matters since 1965
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    freehub wrote:
    At one point I was doing like 350miles every week, that was last year, god knows where I got the energy from, I'm doing between 180 and 240 a week now. Now and again it might hit 300, I used to commute 25 miles 4 days a week though so that added to my total, now it's 6 miles 3 days a week :\
    Rather think you've answered your own question there,don't you?
    so many cols,so little time!