Southwark Bridge

EC2boy Posts: 37
edited February 2010 in Commuting chat
Hullo. This is my newbie post on here so please go gently.

I cycle over Southwark Bridge a lot and head north towards Guildhall, ie up Queen Street. Is it just me or are the traffic lights sequenced so that you have to stop at every signal? I seem to get through the green light over Upper Thames St, and then hit reds every time at Cannon St, Queen Vic St and again at Cheapside. So it takes ages to cover about 100 metres.

Am I just being unlucky or does anyone else find that too?


  • I imagine they are set to allow longer green phases on the east-west routes, so heading north you are more likely to get reds
  • RedGT
    RedGT Posts: 238
    Your crossing deemed major roads using minor roads,
    but then again it's not that much better going from east to west or vise versa.
  • EC2boy
    EC2boy Posts: 37
    Yes, that's true. thing is that it's a 'main' route for cycling, just not a main route for any other traffic. And really frustrating sitting there trying to go a few metres but with lots of red lights over such a short distance...moan over...
  • Earlier this week I saw a cyclist do an "amber gamble" at the bottom of Southwark Bridge and he was VERY close to being tken out by a motorbike accelerating quickly down Lower Thames St on the green. so be careful ;)
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Have you tried varying your route? Depending what direction you come from you could try Blackfriars or London Bridge. They're busier for sure with more traffic but at least on the main road you get fairer treatment from the lights*

    * DISCLAIMER: Most of the time at least. I think there's a secret underground bunker where BOFH types flick the lights to red when I get within about 30 metres.
  • EC2boy
    EC2boy Posts: 37
    Hi Kurako, yes you're right. I think it's a bit farcical that the City invests loads of money in a cycle route from south of the river but one that's so slow, it actually discourages me from using it. Hmm. I think I am targeted by that underground bunker as well, by the way....
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    I know that stretch well as my office is near Cannon St station. Southwark Bridge is nice but I got hacked off with all the road works near the rail bridge further back. Is it clear now? Another drawback of that route is South Thames St which is one of the worst roads in the whole of London. Everyone comes roaring out of the tunnel like its the friggin Monaco GP. Its also a main route for big contruction trucks which are best avoided at all costs.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Just jump the reds...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Southwark bridge should be the obvious route from Elephant to Bank, but it doesn't seem to work. Between the road works and the lights it takes ages, then dumps you into pedestrian world once north of the river.

    London bridge and the run up to it are a mess, but seems to work better for the cyclist.
  • RedGT
    RedGT Posts: 238
    Also remember you've got two main line railway stations pretty close to each other.
  • Whilst waiting for green this morning at Southwark Bridge to cross over into Queens St. I was advised by a chap breezing though that there was in fact a green for bikes, I couldn't see it.

    Just wondering - I didn't think it was just a RLJ justification or if its signalled anywhere heading south to north, or is it just accepted?

    Always feel a bit nervous at this junction

    No Babbit No, Look what Birdy doing
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Now seems to be 2-way traffic in the remaining bike lane. Seriously close to a head on
    collision with a small lady Mon night. Would have been very messy. Seems madness to me.

    Does anyone know what they're doing on this bridge. Surely it's not taken a few years to
    put the bike lane dividers in?
  • Kurako wrote:
    * DISCLAIMER: Most of the time at least. I think there's a secret underground bunker where BOFH types flick the lights to red when I get within about 30 metres.

    :lol::lol::lol: Glad to see I'm not the only one!!!!
  • TheStone wrote:
    Southwark bridge should be the obvious route from Elephant to Bank, but it doesn't seem to work. Between the road works and the lights it takes ages, then dumps you into pedestrian world once north of the river.

    London bridge and the run up to it are a mess, but seems to work better for the cyclist.


    I used to go over Southwark Bridge, as I considered it the safest to cross, but since the works started there, it's a death trap. I go over London Bridge now, despite the mess leading up to it.
  • will3
    will3 Posts: 2,173
    EC2boy wrote:
    Hullo. This is my newbie post on here so please go gently.

    I cycle over Southwark Bridge a lot and head north towards Guildhall, ie up Queen Street. Is it just me or are the traffic lights sequenced so that you have to stop at every signal? I seem to get through the green light over Upper Thames St, and then hit reds every time at Cannon St, Queen Vic St and again at Cheapside. So it takes ages to cover about 100 metres.

    Am I just being unlucky or does anyone else find that too?

    If you're hitting the red lights, try cycling a little further from the kurb.
  • Whilst waiting for green this morning at Southwark Bridge to cross over into Queens St. I was advised by a chap breezing though that there was in fact a green for bikes, I couldn't see it.

    I use this route when I'm late for work and there is certainly a seperate set of lights for crossing bikes so the chap breezing through was referring to them. Usually use the Blackfriars Bridge route despite more traffic