company car

xstrathyx Posts: 1,104
edited October 2009 in The Crudcatcher
Tomorrow is going to be a fun day.

I am being given a colleagues work car, so i can overlook a stock take in a warehouse. tis the first time i have had a company vehicle for my own use.

So i was mark the occasion.......i will drive the 20miles to the warehouse only in 1st gear lmao :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


  • nothing drives better than a hire/company car, kick the arse out of it!!
    i spent all me money on whisky and beer!!!
  • xstrathyx
    xstrathyx Posts: 1,104
    I am supposed to go yo edinburgh for a meeting at kinaird (martin and frost) retail park or something in november. been informed can take the company car too.

    I'll have rattled the arse out of it by then :lol:
    nothing drives better than a hire/company car, kick the ars* out of it!!
  • hehe, make sure you smoke in it, drop burger sauce on the seat and floor and spill coke in the cup holders. Then it'll look something like our pool cars! :roll:
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    nahh see if you can use it on the weeksend when you are covered in musd soaking wet with a not very clean bike in the back. :lol:
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    I've never had a company car, I do however regularly get a company train to play with lol
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • The guy who owns the company I work for used to have a terrible looking 6L V8 Holden Ute in that lager-metallic yellow that you get Peugeot 306s in, and I can tell you that the boys from the maintenance dept. regularly used it "to go for the rolls" in the morning.
    We also used to manufacture the audio for all Aston Martin DB9's and the Vanquish.
    One particular Vanquish was the development car and remained at my work for over a year minus its interior. It did however have two seats, was fully functional in every other aspect and we have a dual carriageway next to the factory! :twisted:
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    see how far you can drive without using the clutch :lol:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • Nothing goes quite like a company pool car. I managed to leave a nice streak of rubber at a roundabout in a Ford Galaxy last week.
    "The problem was, I was still using my eyes even though I had them shut"

    Demoted to commuting duty

    Orange Crush!
  • Best I ever managed company car wise was the sister car to this. Wasn't a company car, it belonged to my boss and he let me run errands in it from time to time.

    Both cars were brought to the Isle of Man brand new. The guy who owns the company that built the trafford centre owned one of them (actually, his wife), and my old boss owned the other. The one owned by my boss is red though. One of the most beautiful cars I've ever had the pleasure to dirve, despite its age.

    As it happens, the car on display there at the trafford centre was shipped over to manchester by helicopter, I remember seeing it being loaded up. As far as I know, it's still sat there with Manx registration plates.
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    My uncle's company car is an Audi S5. Lucky fecker!
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • xstrathyx
    xstrathyx Posts: 1,104
    just back from smashing the arse out of the colleagues BMW. It is pretty nippy and have to admit it was smooth to drive.

    Having passed my test 2 months ago, i was sceptical about driving it. needless to say i gave it a wee blast too lol
  • fatgit
    fatgit Posts: 166
    aren't I luck, I have a company car all the time....................... actually that just means I have to do LOTS of driving!
  • xstrathyx
    xstrathyx Posts: 1,104
    yeah and your also on a higher tax band due to having the privilege of driving a company car. its swings and roundabouts mate lol
    fatgit wrote:
    aren't I luck, I have a company car all the time....................... actually that just means I have to do LOTS of driving!
  • Rich9
    Rich9 Posts: 1,635
    too true. I've had a company car for last 12 years and my tax code just gets worse and worse. I'm on a K something or other code

    Flip side - I'd never be able to afford a £25k car of my own, so I'll take the company one thanks
    2014 Whyte T-129S
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    My old Co car was a saab 93 lpt - dropped it into first at about 25 and broke an engine mounting and went through three sets of front tyres in 16 months. Never cleaned it or checked the oil.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • fatgit
    fatgit Posts: 166
    My old Co car was a saab 93 lpt - dropped it into first at about 25 and broke an engine mounting and went through three sets of front tyres in 16 months. Never cleaned it or checked the oil.

    Since February I've had a Focus estate with electrical issues, a focus estate that got crashed into, a Vectra SRI and a 93 and I'm due to be getting my actual car next week which is an A3 sportback with sport kit :)
  • nerak
    nerak Posts: 87
    I have a 'pool vehicle'. It is a VW Caddy van, but they seemed to forget the turbo at the factory (I didn't realised they did diesel vans without turbo's). I keep thinking if I stick GTi on it like the chavs... it might go faster. What I really want is to stop each near shunting miss when I pull out at junctions. :shock:

    I have an Octavia VRs and it will pull out of junctions/overtake etc with no fear which makes my van seem doubly worse!

    I used to get to drive a nice lexus every so often which was cool, but everyone has always ragged the @rse out of pool vehicles so I've never really enjoyed them.

    I remember hearing about a boss who wouldn't let his company car out of his sight, so when one of the lucky souls managed to snaffle it for a bit they went to town with it. Jiggy with the girls, relieving themselves of natural passings, fishy in places etc. A couple of hours was enough for a lifetime of damage. I think when asked about the car coming back 'smelling' it was cited they'd just had a kebab and were sorry :twisted:
    Mine's a pint...

    ... oh this bits for the bike. Mine's a Giant Talon W3 (and a GT Avalanche for sale)
  • nerak
    nerak Posts: 87
    I keep thinking if I stick GTi on it like the chavs

    S'pose technically that should be TDi
    Mine's a pint...

    ... oh this bits for the bike. Mine's a Giant Talon W3 (and a GT Avalanche for sale)
  • I was in a hire car as a passenger recently- some Alfa estate.

    Anyways when we finally hit the M25 the driver started to do little burnouts in the standing traffic- I think it was the clutch doing most of the burning though!
    Just out Heathrow we filled up before we returned it to the hire company. Once upto 30mph he put the handbrake on and kept on driving- this contiued for about a mile or so then next thing we were at the drop off point for the car.
    As we stopped by the attendent a nice plume of smelly brake smoke rolled pat the car! :lol: :oops:

    Surprisingly nowt was said- even though I was pissing myslef with laughter :lol::lol:
    08 Pitch Pro
    14 Kona Unit
    Kona Kula SS
    Trailstar SS
    94 Univega Alpina 5.3
  • fatgit
    fatgit Posts: 166
    fatgit wrote:

    Since February I've had a Focus estate with electrical issues, a focus estate that got crashed into, a Vectra SRI and a 93 and I'm due to be getting my actual car next week which is an A3 sportback with sport kit :)

    quick update, the Saab 93 has now been crashed into too, some dozy cow didn't realise she was supposed to brake when people in front do!