Fleet(ish) - Beacon Hill, Caesars Camp

Anonymous Posts: 79,666
edited October 2009 in Routes
Any opinions of this area? Mostly MOD and common land I think.


  • Opinions on what?

    There are fireroads, singletrack and hills - can you expand on your question.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    Given the forum I'm posting in ;), opinions on what it's like in general for off roading. XC singletrack in particular if there is any.

    Having not ridden there I just wondered if any fellow MTBers here have and what they think of it. Would you recommend it, what kind of styles is it best for, etc?

    What are the access rights also?
  • Firstly, access is not flag controlled (unlike Ash Ranges) but the army do carry out night manouevres so you may get told to "find another route".

    Secondly, it is a lot more spread out than for instance Tunnel Hill.

    There is a mix of xc and downhill off Hungry Hill and Beacon Hill but it's not easy to find.

    I think you have been previously pointed towards our group Tunnel Hill Trolls (glad you like our see saw) - we ride Caesars regularly and that would be a good way of seeing what is there.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    Cheers Mike.

    I'd looked at your site before. I noticed on the intro message that your preference is night rides though. Not sure on night rides at the current level I'm at! :D

    If you do Caesars on a day ride then I'd be interested in going along. I'll check out your forums anyway.

    As for the see-saw... I've still yet to have the balls to try it! :D.

    And yeah, I've come across the Army on occasion over Mytchett way. Last time they were doing their rolling across the ground practices and here I come merrily past on my bike waving hello to them. They didn't complain :D.
  • Lots of sand over there!
  • Levi_501
    Levi_501 Posts: 1,105
    I have been in there a couple of times and could not find anythin to write home about.
  • Levi_501 wrote:
    I have been in there a couple of times and could not find anythin to write home about.

    There is a lot but you need to know where to look.

    Also, for Dead Kenny - there is a Trolls Super Tuesday tomorrow (sorry for the short notice) and I'm sure someone could lend you some lights.

    It's not Caesars but Tunnel Hill - take a look at:

    http://tunnelhilltrolls.get-forum.net/w ... -t2176.htm
