Free frame?

Splottboy Posts: 3,693
edited September 2009 in MTB general
A Parcel Force van pulled up to front door and my son signed for a parcel. It was obviously a Mtb frame. I wasn't expecting anything, but thought I'd better find the owner.
We had the same house name and are a few villages apart, and the PF guy knows I ride, so it was a simple, honest mistake.

Luckily the correct owners were in the phone book. The lady has just collected it, as it's for her, and her husbands is making it his "winter project."

Never mind, eh?...

If anyone wants to drop off a box of used/unmarked fivers, just call round. I'll be in!


  • So, what frame was it? A nice light Kona Scandium type? Perhaps an Iron Horse Sunday?
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    It was wrapped in green/white tape, but I think it was an ebay mtb. Matt black, bout my size too.

    Now...where's my brand new Monarch 2.1 shock that came on a frame, leaking air?
    Off to Fishers, I've been told.
    I hope it doesn't go to the lady who's frame I had!