Advice on forks

Louis84 Posts: 135
edited September 2009 in MTB buying advice
Hi, this is my first post on here so hello everyone. I'm Louis, 24 from Leicester.

I used to be well into my street and dirt riding a good few years ago. I had a custom built orange ms.Isle which I absolutely loved to pieces. Nice small frame and high travel Z1 dropoff forks.

Although, after leaving the game and selling my beloved Orange a good few years ago I have well and truley decided to jump back in! This time as a bit more of an XC / trail rider (but still keeping just a little bit of street involved every now and then :wink: ) The reason being is that I intend to start cycling from Leicester to Melton Mowbray (approx 15 miles) with plenty of hills, turns and bends, Not to mention the long distance.

So (obviously) I had a lot of catching up to do on the bike scene. Which I am slowly completing. I'm buying all my parts 2nd hand and building it from scratch. Initially I have decided that I love the look of the Scott Scale 40 frame (15.5") and am going to build my new steed around this, but firsttly I have a question.......

My question is this, I would love some advice on forks. There seem to be hundreds of new forks out there and gettin gmy head around them is turning into a bit of a nightmare. Any advice on forks which would complement A scott scale 40 frame, with the intent of using it for XC and trail riding. Must have lock out. around or under £300.

I hope I have given you all enough information to go on. And will be MOST gratefull for all advice given. Thanks in advance......

