My first Road Bike - advice required!

Bergkamp Posts: 27
edited September 2009 in Road beginners
Hi there,

I am looking to buy my first road bike using the cycle to work scheme and am toying between a Kinesis Racelight T '09 set up and the Chris Boardman Team Carbon.

I haven't ridden either of these bikes before and am going on looks (Kinesis Racelight T) and spec (Boardman Team Carbon). Both bikes are similarly priced: £999.

Does anyone have any views or words of wisdom that they could share with me in terms of which option they would suggest? The Boardman would seem the sensible choice as it has a full carbon frame and fork set up, whilst the Kinesis is an Aluminium carbon fork mix.

A possible alternative is to save up some money and go for the Kinesis Gran Fondo, which I think would win hands down on the above options!

Any advice would be much appreciated.



  • bikerZA
    bikerZA Posts: 314
    As you say, the Boardman sounds like the sensible option, being a full carbon rig. The reviews of people on the forum who've bought one all seem to be good, so sounds like a good option.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,896
    The only advice is try them both (if you can manage to find a Halford with the team road carbon in stock!). The Boardman does get excellent reviews though.
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Just try as many as you can before you buy, bikes and sizes of the same bike, the fit is so important to how the bike feels in both comfort and handling IME.

    I'm 5' 11" and everywhere I went I was given a 56 to try, the difference from manufacturer to manufacturer in the same size frame was massive. One shop started exploring different stem length and size of bike for me as nothing had felt quite right and it turned out a 54 was good for me due to long legs and shorter torso.

    Glad I spent the time over choosing as my bike fits like a glove and it shows so much in my confidence in the handling.

    You might find you end up with a completely different bike to what you are looking at now.
  • Thanks for the useful advice guys.

    I was tempted to rush out and buy the Racelight T '09 this weekend as the '09 frames are being discontinued.

    However I think a visit to the Cycle Show in Earls Court where I can test ride some bikes might be a wise move.

    Thanks again,
