Bitten by gypsy dog

benneally Posts: 973
edited September 2009 in MTB general
Yeah out on a ride today, doing some old routes havent done for a while. Heading down this bridle path and see a couple of caravans and beat up 4x4's so i approached slowly. This husky-ish dog came flying from behind the carvan and started snarling at me and sunk its teeth into my leg. I didnt react to the dog at first, as im not scared of them having grown up and met some 'playful' dogs...didnt expect that though. The gypsy guy was there sitting in his chair started shouting at the dog and said 'dont worry you are safe, it wont hurt you'. To which i forced a smile in pain, and rode off.

What can you do in those situations? They looked rough, i was on my own, and far from a town/road.


  • Andy B
    Andy B Posts: 8,115
    report the incident to the police, next time it could bite a child.
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    benneally wrote:
    What can you do in those situations?

    Get a tetanus shot.
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,306
    dave_hill wrote:
    benneally wrote:
    What can you do in those situations?

    Get a tetanus shot.
    you never know what kinda stuff has happened to that dog
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    benneally wrote:

    What can you do in those situations? They looked rough, i was on my own, and far from a town/road.

    Return in darkness with a can of petrol.

    And offer it as a peacemaking gift, obviously.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    you need to go back and get a jar of their gypsy tears to release the curse :lol:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • call the cops, fucking pikeys!!! next person to get bitten might not be so lucky...
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • you need to go back and get a jar of their gypsy tears to release the curse

    That made me chuckle!
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • As said report it to the feds, iirc its a form of assualt, and what if the next chew toy happens to be a small child, then go get yourself blood tested at your docs, tell them you have been bitten by a feral dog, you will need to be checked out!
    "Don't ask the reasons why cos there arent any, don't follow convention, never say no, just believe in what you see and let the good times roll!"
  • aww crap, you guys are scaring me now....
    It wasnt a deep bite, just broke the skin as it was through my (brand spanking new first ride) bib tights. Only a smidgon of blood... im not going to get anything am i?
  • Not worth risking it. When I got bit by a German Shepherd, while on the bike, I had a jab to be on the safe side.

    Better to be safe than sorry, mate!
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • benneally wrote:
    aww crap, you guys are scaring me now....
    It wasnt a deep bite, just broke the skin as it was through my (brand spanking new first ride) bib tights. Only a smidgon of blood... im not going to get anything am i?

    I used to work in a supermarket years ago and was tackling a shoplifter who bit my hand in the process of trying to get away (after he had warned me he had aids) i took it as an empty threat but after he drew blood i still went for a blood test, also had to have hepatitis B injections aswell as a tetanus, they told me about eight pints of saliva would have to be mixed/transfered in order to catch anything from it, but better to be safe than sorry though bud, as there is no telling where that dog has been tbh!
    "Don't ask the reasons why cos there arent any, don't follow convention, never say no, just believe in what you see and let the good times roll!"
  • captainfly
    captainfly Posts: 1,001
    jrduquemin wrote:
    call the cops, ******* pikeys!!! next person to get bitten might not be so lucky...


    and get a tetnus jab, rabies jab and a left hook :roll:
    Mongoose Teocali
    Giant STP0

    Why are MTB economics; spend twice as much as you intended, but only half as much as you wish you could afford? :roll:
  • carrock
    carrock Posts: 1,103
    deffo get checked out...and then go back and torch the van...
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    Rabies is incurable, you know.


    And was the dog actually a gypsy dog? Or was it a gypsy's dog...? :D

    Still, tetanus and police.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Get a bigger dog. With a spiky collar. And never feed it.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Northwind wrote:
    Get a bigger dog. With a spiky collar. And never feed it.

    Hahaha! Both practical AND amuzing, like it like it! :)

  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Getting bit by the dog is better than being bitten by one of their kids :lol:
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Sounds nasty, you should have given it a volley and made a sharp exit.

    I had 2 jack russels chase me today with their owner screaming after them, not that they took a blind bit of notice, just laughed at them for the first 100yds but nearly 1/2 mile later the nasty little yappers were getting right on my tits, felt like running them over !!!
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    benneally wrote:
    Yeah out on a ride today, doing some old routes havent done for a while. Heading down this bridle path and see a couple of caravans and beat up 4x4's so i approached slowly. This husky-ish dog came flying from behind the carvan and started snarling at me and sunk its teeth into my leg. I didnt react to the dog at first, as im not scared of them having grown up and met some 'playful' dogs...didnt expect that though. The gypsy guy was there sitting in his chair started shouting at the dog and said 'dont worry you are safe, it wont hurt you'. To which i forced a smile in pain, and rode off.

    What can you do in those situations? They looked rough, i was on my own, and far from a town/road.

    Where was it so it can be avoided?

    Get your wound sorted out, jabs and then the police.
    Something like 22 jabs in the behind for rabies AFAIK and no guarantee you will be saved. Ouch.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    benneally wrote:
    It wasnt a deep bite, just broke the skin...Only a smidgon of blood... im not going to get anything am i?

    There you go, dead man walking.

    Seriously, get it checked out. What's a blood test compared to possibly getting serious infections like Hepatitis, Rabies and Tetanus which are nearly always fatal? Is it worth NOT bothering?
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • gcwebbyuk
    gcwebbyuk Posts: 1,926
    +1 to getting checked - no point risking it

    As for the pikeys - doubt there is much the cops can do - most of them are scared of pikeys.

    We get them a lot down here - mate used to work at a LaserQuest place, the kids would come in and take a shit in the laserquest gaming area! Any arguments with them and the parents would turn up en-masse.

    I guess there are some nice pikeys?
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    There is actually, loads. Just that quite a lot are total c***s and they're the ones you notice :(
    Uncompromising extremist
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    RealMan wrote:
    Rabies is incurable, you know.

    Is it? I'm pretty sure that if you get it seen to fast enough with a series of injections into the site of the wound you should be fine. Failing that, give me a bag of popcorn, extra large Coke and your address as it'll be like watching Quarantine again!

    And on the pikey front, torch the place, drive them out like rats!

    (I am in no way using the word "torch" in replacement for any other word, so don't ASSUME I mean set the place alight :D )