Can Cancellara do the double at the Worlds?

bipedal Posts: 466
edited September 2009 in Pro race
Apparently that's the plan: ... double-win

He has home advantage too


  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    edited September 2009
    Anyone know the last time anyone did the double? Assuming it's been done....

    EDIT: Looks like no one ever has doubled. 1995 was the closest with Miguel Indurain And Abraham Olano swapping 1st and 2nd place in the 2 events.
  • Apparently one of the toughest circuits for years,so,no don't be daft it is,then
    so many cols,so little time!
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    I remember in the mid 90s, Indurain won the TT and was second in the road race, while Olano was second in the TT and won the road race.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Yes, no double has ever been done. And Cancellara won't do it. I'll eat a hat with a swiss cheese sauce if he does...
  • The road race course looks just too insanely hard for Spartacus, so "don't be daft!"
  • He CAN do it, whether he will is another thing. Assuming the TT is wrapped up, which given his form this year is a fair assumption, then it's all down to the last lap, and which wheels he can follow, 'cos he's not gona be able to dictate the race as the Swiss team is poor in comparison to some of the others like Spain, Italy, even Britain.

    If he did do it he'd be rider of the year no question, he's been at Cav style levels of invincibility in time trials and his overall win at (admittedly a very easy) Tour de Suisse showed he had a few more strings in his bow.

    The Worlds is one of those races though that you can have a load of favourites and it all depends on the path the race takes as to who's in with a chance, and that makes it unique. A race like LBL for example, you know you will have the likes of the Schlecks Valv and gilbert in there at 20k to go whereas the Worlds is more about the teams, and who they have in the breaks, as Ballan found to his fortune last year.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    You'd never rate Spartacus for L-B-L so why would be a favourite for a course that's just as tough, particularly as his Swiss team isn't as strong as Saxobank? My money's on Cunego - provided the rest of the Squadra get behind him and don't chase him down with a lap to go.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    I'd say he has the capabilities to do it (coupled with some good luck) but it's so unlikely. Also, how good of a "team" will he even have? My guess is he'll win the TT and palce well (top 15) in the RR. But it would be real cool if he did pull off the miracle.
  • if he had been targetting this race i certainly wouldn't want to bet against the guy, if he is there or thereabouts towards the end it will be one awesome finish to watch
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    edited September 2009
    Anyone who thinks it's two hilly or tough for Cancellara must have forgotten the Olympics course (where he came third - now second). That had a lot of climbing on it.

    Can he do it? Yes
    Will he do it? Probably not.

    Edit: TOO not TWO, Rich, you moron
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • jim one
    jim one Posts: 183
    RichN95 wrote:
    Anyone who thinks it's two hilly or tough for Cancellara must have forgotten the Olympics course (where he came third - now second). That had a lot of climbing on it.

    Can he do it? Yes
    Will he do it? Probably not.

  • My money is on 2 medals but neither gold.

    The reason he won't win the TT? Cos he's targetting both. Tony Martin to pip him.

    Until today I'd definitely have had Cunego as fave. Good form in the first 2 weeks of the Vuelta but backed off.....right kind of course profile....but......

    I just can't shake off the feeling that Millar might do it. In form with a strong team who will be well organised and able to take advantage of the Spanish Italian duel. Not saying that with any sense of bias as I don't want to see any former doper win.....I'd feel the same about Vino or Basso but I just think it could be his year.

    Who do I want to win? Dan Martin.......any relation to Tony?