Soap Operas are utter crap. Discuss



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    johnfinch wrote:
    dmclite wrote:

    Wots appenin' ?


    Shut it,

    I believe the correct London phonetic spelling is:

    sha' iiiii'

    Fank's me old cokernee sparra', oohh me plates is givin' me jip.
  • tebbit
    tebbit Posts: 604
    I came up with an end to any soap opera, the Yanks are having a test firing of a ballistic missile in the Med, they put the wrong coordinates and bye bye Albert Square, Hollyoaks or whichever soap you want to destroy.
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    Modern day versions of soaps are hard to tolerate, 6 or 7 episodes a week, predictable and sensational story lines and trite dialogue.

    But there was a time when the soaps were character driven with stories written for Elsie Tanner, Bet Lynch etc and were properly gritty realistic drama. Something else that was better when the world was black and white. :oops: Chr*st I feel ancient.

    However, bad as the soaps are, live and let live. The unforgivable abominations are celebrity mags like OK and their ilk. Who the hell are the people in them and why the f*ck should I care whether they've lost 2 stone, gained 2 stone, had a breakdown or a break up, been arrested, got drunk or got laid. These publications are a creeping evil sucking the intelligence out of the generation of (largely females) people reading them.
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    dmclite wrote:

    Fank's me old cokernee sparra', oohh me plates is givin' me jip.

    Errr, parlez-vous anglais?
  • johnfinch wrote:
    dmclite wrote:

    Fank's me old cokernee sparra', oohh me plates is givin' me jip.

    Errr, parlez-vous anglais?

    Cheers old bean, goodness gracious me my feet hurt.

    I have every El Dorado episode on DVD because of Pilar :P Thats a fib. I think women watch Soaps as a protest at the amount of Sport we (just me then :oops: ) watch.
  • jc4lab
    jc4lab Posts: 554
    Get Soaplife magazine every time it comes out.Basically it tells you the stortylines for the next two weeks ahead...Creates a golden silence in the house for hours