What kind of trails surfaces do you like/dislike the most?



  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Peat mud... If you take regular soil and add used engine oil, that's peat mud. orrible. Though it's quite rare so I can abide it... Really deep loose gravel, that's terrible too, like riding on marbles since you can grip on the stuff you're riding on but it can't grip on the gravel beneath it, and so on.

    Last time this thread came up, ride_whenever answered "Jam". Genius.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Not stritcly a trail surface, but I also hate running over slugs. Their white puss is the most vile stuff ever. To make the matter worse, slugs can be a variety of colours including white and camoflaged 'green'.

    Inconsiderate animals crapping their unhygenic fodder all over the place, is also vile. And embarassing if you have a white frame like I do!

    Tusk... don't these animals ever spare a thought for us trailblazers..?! :)

  • Like: Rooty stuff

    Dislike: Huge rocks. I mean rocks that are bigger than footballs.
  • alomac
    alomac Posts: 189
    Chipped bark, which becomes even worse once it rots down. Draggy and slow, what I imagine riding uphill on carpet to be like. I also hate long sections of deep, soft mud for similar reasons, with the added bonus of getting a filthy bike which I then have to clean in my bathroom.
    There's also a trail near me with a steep, winding downhill section covered with loose babyhead rocks that look like they're just clamouring to wash your tyre out and kick you on your arse. Not that I'd know - there's no way I'm going near that thing until I get my full-face and padding.

    Likes are hard, fast surfaces with lots of technical challenges to make it interesting (and kick me on my arse).
  • Sand, hate the flippin stuff and theres plenty of it where i ride...GRRRR !!
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Love - Rocks

    Hate - Sand and Grass
  • lesz42
    lesz42 Posts: 690
    sands, rocks, and tarmac thats green, and very slimy, normaly under tree cover, when its wet, its good bye Mr Bond!
    Giant Trance X0 (08) Reverb, Hope Hoops 5.1D, XT brakes, RQ BC, Works Components headset 1.5
  • widby
    widby Posts: 87
    i love.... snow, swoopy singletrack, rock gardens

    i hate... sand, sand dunes, sand castles, sand monsters and roots!

    snow can turn the most boring fire road into the sketchiest down hill in the world! The one down to rivelin dams along the minor cliff face is wicked fun. Over a foot of snow and big snow drifts!
  • Rolling resistive, derailleur-fouling LONG GRASS! Especially in its uphill form.
  • KonaKurt wrote:
    Not stritcly a trail surface, but I also hate running over slugs. Their white puss is the most vile stuff ever. To make the matter worse, slugs can be a variety of colours including white and camoflaged 'green'.

    Inconsiderate animals crapping their unhygenic fodder all over the place, is also vile. And embarassing if you have a white frame like I do!

    Tusk... don't these animals ever spare a thought for us trailblazers..?! :)



    For me, i'll have a go at riding over any type of surface, I quiet enjoy techy climbs. Just need to work more of big drop off's.
    Yorkshire Man living in Somerset
  • oh can i add axle deep thin mud with a grassy crust... seriously irritating, and the grass means it clogs your bike regardless of the amount of clearance you have...
  • Love: pine needles. (Someone else mentioned this - the nice soft smooth surface you get under trees)

    The flip side of this... Hate: pine cones! Especially great big piles of them that roll out from under your tyres.

    Also love: close cropped grass on downhills. There's a beauty of a descent like this on Box Hill, lovely putting-green smooth grass with the occasional little hillock to jump off. Only problem is stopping is not easy!
  • Don't like wet slate ie Whinlatter. Great trails, terrifying unless its been dry for a few days, which aint often here in the Lakes.

    Love a bit of hard packed mud/loose stone like at CYB or Spooky Wood
  • I like a bit of everything to be honest, but you can keep your wet roots, thanks very much.
    I like it when its rained maybe the day before so that the ground has a bit of give in it to aid traction. Add in some speeeeeed + some airtime and I'm a happy bunny.
  • I hate sand, love wet slippy mud and rock. But the best by miles is loamy decaying leaves on top of damp dirt in my local woods, usually around October time, awesome, you have absolutely no idea what you're riding over
    I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
    HiFi Pro Carbon '09

    LTS DH '96

    The Mighty Dyna-Sore - The 90's?
  • For me, it is because you cannot see what lurks under them, that I hate riding through autumn leafs!

  • gonga
    gonga Posts: 225
    tnwoolley wrote:
    Don't like wet slate ie Whinlatter. Great trails, terrifying unless its been dry for a few days, which aint often here in the Lakes.

    Love a bit of hard packed mud/loose stone like at CYB or Spooky Wood

    I had a few iffy moments at whinlatter on wednesday and it was 95% dry.
    the 5% that was wet was lethal,good fun though! :lol:
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    The back of the helicopter that took me to hospital with a broken leg, after a crash.
    THAT was the surface I disliked the most..
  • dislike - scree

    like - bumpy grass