Etape 2010? Rumour only!! Not any more..



  • thomasmc
    thomasmc Posts: 814
    Usually have it on the rest day, not next year it seems!
  • And the Tour arrives in Pau a couple of days later! Great chance to see the race as well.
  • Cyclomundo have posted 220€ for entry only.
  • Slow1972
    Slow1972 Posts: 362
    Cyclomundo have posted 220€ for entry only.

    Worth doing for the experience if you've not done it before, but I've done the last 2 and even incorporating it into my holidays I can't help feel that 220 is over the top, particularly given the state of the exchange rate at the moment.

    I won't be going next year, I've had my fix of the Etape (great experience both times) and there's a lot of other continental sportives to have a go at which don't charge anywhere near that price.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Cyclomundo have posted 220€ for entry only.
    That's £220 at the current exchange rates. With some planning you and a friend could have a full weekend in the Pyrenees complete with a great sportive, with flights, hire car, B&B and food for £440.
  • There seems to be a bit of anti-Etape sentiment on a number of threads I've read of late - or is that just me? Is this due to cost or has there been other issues?

    I've not done the Etape before so am still very tempted. I imagine the buzz and excitement is something special. However, I'm sure you can get similar with other Eurooean sporttives and could definitely do with saving the money at the moment! It's not going to get any cheaper though.

    I'd say i''m 50/50 between this and La Marmotte at the moment.
  • Boll*cks to it, I'm in. Even after a questionable sales pitch from Cyclemundo:

    "It will include the challenging passes of Marie-Blanque, Soulor and Tourmalet, where it will finish after a dreadful 174 km ride!"

    Now I can put the 220 bill to the back of my mind and start getting excited. I can't wait!!!
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    Have you got a confirmed entry? I have "pre-registered" and recieved an email saying they think all the entry only places are full already.... :(
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yesterday I wasn't interested, now i'm looking at hotels and villas in Pau so not exactly ruling it out.
    I'm still leaning towards the marmotte and the La Ventoux sportive fits better with kids holidays - not sure what I'm going to do yet.

    I have to say, although it is expensive compared to other sportives, 220 euro is worth every penny in my opinion. In fact, it was a small price to pay for the experience in July. That day changed me as a person - the feelings of well-being I have had since that day are extraordinary. If in doubt and you've not done it before - GO FOR IT! It is amazing.
  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    The etape is a great experience but €220/£220 for entry only is taking the p1$$ especially as locals pay about €40. I did it in 2008 with Cyclomundo - great company and ok value at €1.43 per pound as I paid in October 07.
  • I think so. I pre-registered as well (ages ago before the 2009 event had happened), I got a mail this morning asking for payment, which I've done. Hope that means all is okay.

    Hope you manage to sort an entry out too.
  • popette wrote:
    yesterday I wasn't interested, now i'm looking at hotels and villas in Pau so not exactly ruling it out.
    I'm still leaning towards the marmotte and the La Ventoux sportive fits better with kids holidays - not sure what I'm going to do yet.

    I have to say, although it is expensive compared to other sportives, 220 euro is worth every penny in my opinion. In fact, it was a small price to pay for the experience in July. That day changed me as a person - the feelings of well-being I have had since that day are extraordinary. If in doubt and you've not done it before - GO FOR IT! It is amazing.

    Thanks for the positive comments, popette. I'm sure it will be an amazing experience.

    I agree with others about the expensive but the alternative is not to do it and it's an experience I want to have for myself.
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    I had already decided that if it wasn't Alpine, I wasn't doing it. The experience and course of two year's ago when it was Pau - Hautacam sounds just too similar to make the investment in money and training for this worthwhile.

    So: I am up for a serious go at a Euro sportive just have to decide which one.

    Popette - I do fancy the Marmotte but it seems a big step up for me so I'm not sure it's going to be the one.
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I'm in. Will be good to have a go at the mountain I couldn't quite manage with my dodgy ticker in 2008. If I had actually taken part in 2008, I don't think I'd be too interested in doing it either. I've found some nice accommodation nr Tarbes so will be staying for a couple of weeks so that we can watch Le Tour as well.

    I still hoped to do the marmotte but I think that it's going to be a logistical nightmare to do the two. Not to mention the fact that this all costs money, which is even worse with current euro rate.

    If I wasn't doing Etape, the other sportives I quite fancied were quebrantaheusos or La Ventoux. La Ventoux might be a nice training weekend for Etape actually.

    Here we go again :-)
  • Mccaria
    Mccaria Posts: 869
    I am also in for the Etape.

    I did the 2009 Etape and initially was only going to do the 2010 edition if it was going up D'Huez. So I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't D'Huez, but then got an entry only place so thought it would be rude not to.

    Whilst I was dithering on the Etape I also entered the ballot for the Maratona Dolomites which opened this week (which is the same weekend as the Marmotte I think). Now if I get lucky on the MD ballot, it could make for a very interesting July.
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    See you there! Couldn't find an entry only option so swallowed hard and went for a package deal. Damn expensive but you only live once etc etc!

    I did the 07 Etape, Foix to Loudenville and it remains simultaneously the hardest day I've ever had on the bike (I wasn't very fit!) and also the very best. This time I'll be there with the other half, and will stay to watch the Tour.

    I can't wait.