Cycist down - Southampton

downfader Posts: 3,686
edited September 2009 in Commuting chat
Shame, poor girl with a broken leg. :( ... fic_chaos/

My experiences of that road have been a few of general agression towards myself or other cyclists. I used to ride it everyday but the frequency of the stupidity increased. One guy barged past me nearly having me off at a traffic island (I even put out a palm and shouted "NOT YET!") only to get stuck at a red light 5 seconds on. I caught up and told said driver off asking what did he think he was playing at?! Numpty in passenger seat leans out, gives me a load of sweary verbal and says "How much f***ing room you want, MATE!" They drove off giving me hand signals. Idiots.

I lost count of the times drivers pulled out from side roads and I'd have to hammer on the anchors or swerve. I was even once on a bus doing 30 up there only to see 2 drivers overtaking forcing oncoming traffic to swerve.

To say I'm not suprised is a bit of an understatement. Hope all concerned make full recoveries.


  • Shirley High Street truely is a shockling road to navigate through during daylight hours, on any form of wheeled transport using the road. It has far outgrown its existing layout, for the amount of transport that needs to park up by the kerb and restock/use the shops, along with others who try to use it as a direct route to/from Southampton city centre.

    Lets hope the leg mends well and she learns to use the much quieter roads that run parallel, as it will take forever to sort out the mess of that thoroughfair...
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
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  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    A lot of those shops have rear access, perhaps a good third of them. I used to often see HGVs and vans unloading around the immediately adjacent roads. The shops started to close down, Woolies went and it got a bit quieter...

    I think they put in some new housing around there - this could be adding to the traffic problems imo. One of the lads that sometimes leaves comments on my vids will often remark about Shirley being very busy.Its a real shame now as Shirley road is absolutely ideal for riding the bike thesedays due to the extensive resurfacing they did... its just the plebs in cars and guys on bikes that run a couple of reds that let it all down.