4 days at 7 Stanes

Foll Zofalot
Foll Zofalot Posts: 204
edited September 2009 in MTB general
This may ramble on so sorry in advance!, Wow, what a time I had last week!), my first time at the 7 Stanes. Drove through the pi$$in rain to Newton Stewart and overnighted at a B&B to awake to blue skies and it stayed like that for the next 4 days. Spent the first day at Kirroughtree and met this guy at the top of the black, like me he is a bit of a Billy no mates so we teamed up and the day just got better and better so much so we went back round the red again but I thought he meant the lower bit but we did the whole thing!

The second day we went back to KTree and did it all over again, tracks were way drier and by then I knew what to expect,– just loved it :D

Onto Dalbeattie on Day 3 to tackle The Slab but I wimped out on account it always takes me a few hours to wake up in the morning (plus my enormous brekkie) :oops: , I gave all the skinnies a go though which was ace but so annoyed as we got lost and missed the Terrible Twins, :cry: grrr but time was pushing on and had to nosey on up to Mabie. The downhill (Descender Bender, Stan’s Pond and The Burn Splash) was brilliant it’s such a shame you have to go all the way round again I think they should set up a shortcut so you could session it.

Day 4, back to Mabie- purely to do the downhill again lol then up to Ae. Flip sake though, some really rocky paths around Granny Green Luv and The Face, took a chip out my frame underneath the BB :cry: but big smiles again at the switchback on The Edge, pushed bikes up and did it again. Then got psyched up for the downhill at Omega Man, was running purely on adrenalin by then. Had no idea what it would actually be like so stuck close to my new trail buddy following his line then just as we were a few metres from the end of the boardwalk I made a complete dog’s breakfast of the last bend, overshot and ended up in the swamp still on my stead, couldn’t stop laughing. What a finish, I’m so going back it was AMAZING :D .


  • Thats awesome :D

    £ trails I've gotta do in the 7 stanes! Very jealous!

    Did you stay locally?
  • Yup stayed in nice B&B's for 2 nights in Newton Stewart then 2 nights in Dalbeattie, both really nice hosts. I had to pay the single supplement but £27.50 in Newton Stewart was a bargain and Dalbeattie was £35 so kind of offset.
  • Yup stayed in nice B&B's for 2 nights in Newton Stewart then 2 nights in Dalbeattie, both really nice hosts. I had to pay the single supplement but £27.50 in Newton Stewart was a bargain and Dalbeattie was £35 so kind of offset.
  • Sounds great... I fancy doing a sort of long weekend every now and then... Drive to scotland on a friday after work (take the afternoon off or something), B+B for the night, ride one of the stanes, B+B and then home :)

    Mabie and Ae are places I really really really wanna ride!
  • Tel39
    Tel39 Posts: 243
    I was there beginning of June and did Dalb, Kirro, Mabie and Ae. All fantastic trails but Omega Man gave me the biggest grin for sure, an absolutely amazing bit of downhill, for mere mortals like me that is :) Huuuge berms there too! Theres a cracking vid on youtube of it.
    Will definitely go back to that area again soon. I stayed just north of Dalbeattie and it was perfect for those four trails, all within easy reach.
    Vis Unita Fortior
  • rudedog
    rudedog Posts: 523
    I only live just over 30 mins from Kirroughtree so I'm probably a bit spoilt!

    I love it though - I only started riding earlier this year so I've still got a long way to go in terms of skills. I can't believe that for all the enjoyment I get there, all the forestry ask in return is £1 for the car park!
  • Looking for somewhere to stay on a Stanes trip

    + give me a shout. Mabie, Ae and Dalbeattie are my locals. Mabie & Dalbeattie have some "secrets"
  • I only live just over 30 mins from Kirroughtree so I'm probably a bit spoilt!

    just a bit!! ive done four of the 7 stanes ( kirroughtree, dalbeattie, mabie, glentress) and kirroughtree and dalbeattie were easily my favourites. Both completely different but top class none the less
  • done the same in the summer,camped out for two night a delbettie, trail great ,people great,went into the town for a drink what a night, then went Aa so my rocks but the last down hill was great, then up to dunlanrig cost me £4 to do that trail but well worth the money lots of roots then back up the road, then went to ft bill 2 days later best holiday in ages
    hates dog walkers
  • SDK2007
    SDK2007 Posts: 782
    I've just got back from a 6 day trip to 7 Stanes. We did

    Friday : Glentress
    Saturday : Innerleithen and Glentress Skills Park
    Sunday : Rest day but decided to have a play on the Mabie Skills and 4x course :)
    Monday : Dalbeattie and Mabie
    Tuesday : Kirroughtree

    All black runs completed :)
  • Davy-g
    Davy-g Posts: 401
    The stanes are a blast thats fer sure. I had a slight technical issue at the top of the Dalbeatie slab... techincally i just didn't have the bottle do it......LOL

    did you miss out the "Shredder" down at Ae???, I have been down twice and missed the bloody thing completely....perhaps next time when i am there...

    glad you had a blast... 8)