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Rev\'d Gatlin
Posts: 190
Sept 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

It's also a sacred day for Pastafarians. Here's the Wiki quote;
All this may or not be a childish waste of time, however if you want to get into the mind of the fundamentalists check out the hate mail;

It's also a sacred day for Pastafarians. Here's the Wiki quote;
Flying Spaghetti Monster
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (or FSM) is the deity of the parody religion[1][2] the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism.[3] It was created in 2005 by Bobby Henderson as a satirical protest to the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution in public schools. Since the intelligent design movement used ambiguous references to an unspecified "Intelligent Designer" to avoid court rulings prohibiting the teaching of creationism as a science, this presumably left open the possibility that any conceivable entity could fulfill that role.
In an open letter sent to the education board, Henderson parodies the concept of intelligent design by professing belief in a supernatural creator, which closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs.[4] He furthermore calls for the "Pastafarian" (a play on Rastafarian) theory of creation to be taught in science classrooms.[5]
Due to its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as "spagnostics"), and others as a modern version of Russell's teapot[6] and the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
All this may or not be a childish waste of time, however if you want to get into the mind of the fundamentalists check out the hate mail;
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
"I almost cried. Its hard enough for me to have faith in God already, I’m the type of person who needs to have things proven to them"
Erm, oh forget it. He is 13 though. If I join will I still be allowed to eat Spag Bol or not?0 -
Why are pirates called pirates??? They just aaaarrrggghhhh!!!
I'll get me coat...
TAXI!!!!There is never redemption, any fool can regret yesterday...
Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!0