Surrey Hills - where to start?



  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    I'm a roadie and tend to start at the bottom of Box Hill at the bikers carpark, come out, turn left, then right into zig zag. I have a 60 miler plotted into the garmin and it covers pretty much all the nasty hills. If I feel good at the finish I'll go back up zig zag and do that a couple of times, then back to the carpark. It's a real leg warmer..;-)
  • Redmans
    Redmans Posts: 44
    Thanks freddy il have a look on google maps. Is the bikeshop your talking about in peaslake.? I to only ride up hills with the promise of a good downhill :lol: from looking on you tube theres a 9 miniute video with some really good downhills on i think one of them was barry knows best!!! Should be a good day from what ive read theres three or four big hills that need exploring but maybe not in the same day who knows? :wink:

    STAV: Do you know a few trails around the hills, why dont u consider showin us around we could use some local advice :D

    SAMPRAS: Your welcome to join us but we might be a bit too fit for you :lol: But if you think you can keep up :!:
    Marin Mount Vision Beast
    Fave rides : 7 staines rock Afan,Coedy,Swinley,Penmachno,Snowdon.
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    Redmans - I know the Hills pretty well now, but don't know Leith very well at all (after riding from Guildford way, I can never find it in my legs!!) :lol:

    I'd be happy to show you around what i know, but like I said, I won't be there until about Midday, providing I do get over that way this weekend! (I could be doing some training spins over the Military ranges closer to home instead).. it depends on 2 of my mates and what they're up to (I can never motivate myself to ride that far on my own!!)

    I'll find out by thursday/friday and get back to you guys on here if thats cool? :)

    Edit: Just so you know, some of the uphills over that way are hideous, but well worth it for the downhills! (Anyway, theres always pushing up if all else fails!) :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    10am (or earlier) is good for me. I usually park in the sandy/gravelly car park up the road to the right of the bike shop (I think it may be called walking bottom).
    Yeah, it's Walking Bottom. Cracking name :D. That car park is at the bottom of Pitch Hill which has lots of good stuff on it. Just head on up the gravely path and it climbs all the way to the top of Pitch.

    If you want maps and some guidance the guy in the bike shop does a good trade in laminated maps for £3 and will mark out some routes.

    Head up Radnor Road and that gives you a long climb up Holmbury Hill and loads of stuff around there too. You can jump off the road at various points to hit trails on either side or continue up to the top car park and from there climb to the peak of Holmbury.

    I know stuff like Barry Knows Best, Yoghurt Pots, Telegraph Road, and I've done lots now that I just stumble upon all over the place.

    Can't claim to know them enough to be able to guide but I can at least point in a direction and say "I think it's over here", but chances are I'll be wrong :D (but then probably find something great anyway).

    Don't really know Leith much. I've done Summer Lightning area once but you need to go right over to the pub in Coldharbour (not much parking there). I've climbed to the tower on Leith (highest point in the SE) on foot but not on a bike.

    Anyway, Peaslake is my favourite start point at the moment.
  • Redmans
    Redmans Posts: 44
    Nice one deadkenny, looks like there could be 5 or 6 of us up for it then. Thats not taking into account for hangovers,swine flue,man flue, rain :lol:

    If we get lost well blame you then, as you have kindly volunteered to guide us :wink: your a star.

    right are we all agreeing to 10am.?
    Marin Mount Vision Beast
    Fave rides : 7 staines rock Afan,Coedy,Swinley,Penmachno,Snowdon.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Chances are I'll be at the back once we start up the hill :D

    10am is good for me anyway.
  • 10 am works for me. shall we say the car park on walking bottom?

    @DK you'll have to go pretty slow to be further back than me up the hills :D
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    sampras38 wrote:
    I'm a roadie and tend to start at the bottom of Box Hill at the bikers carpark, come out, turn left, then right into zig zag. I have a 60 miler plotted into the garmin and it covers pretty much all the nasty hills. If I feel good at the finish I'll go back up zig zag and do that a couple of times, then back to the carpark. It's a real leg warmer..;-)

    There are some good work-outs off road around that area also.. You have the "fire trail" that runs up next to the zig-zag - its a 170bpm climb for me, then at the top there are lots of XC type trails, but if you head over towards the camp site, there is a choice of happy valley decent, or the foot trail which is quite steep (known as moss trail). At the bottom you can climb up and take the decent again down whichever you didn't manage to do. then at the car park out and turn left and pick up Juniper hill.

    If any folk are looking to explore runs to Leith hill North to South, I'm happy to lead a run picking up either at box hill or bocketts farm which both have free car parks. Both are 5 mins drive from J9M25. Peaslake to leath hill is more West to South East.
  • jweston
    jweston Posts: 37
    There are some guides that ride in the area, they'll guide rides from the local stations in the area. Check out their website:
    Astounding Adventures
    Hill Walking - Mountain Biking - Climbing - Team Building
    Call free: 0333 121 2125
  • Redmans
    Redmans Posts: 44
    Walking bottom 10am then, hopefully well find a few good trails. Mountainbike guides look good maybe for another day but its quite pricey but i surpose its worth it to be shown all the best trails and the local knowledge. :lol:
    Marin Mount Vision Beast
    Fave rides : 7 staines rock Afan,Coedy,Swinley,Penmachno,Snowdon.
  • Excellent. Walking Bottom at 10am it is then.

    To save us having to wander around the carpark asking random people if they are DK, Redmans, fatfreddyscat etc, can anyone who's interested in this meet pm me with mobile number and first name. That way we can make sure we all meet up and don't set off without anyone.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Might be over there again this weekend, though more likely to be Sunday I think.
  • I'm probably up for a Sunday morning ride. What time were you thinking DK?

    Anyone else up for it?
  • TonyWard
    TonyWard Posts: 149
    I'll be over in Walking Bottom car park around 8:45-9 with a 4-5 guys to ride Pitch and Holmbury. Again can't claim to know it well but been a couple of times and hopefully will find something!

    Feel free to come over and say hello - I'll be in a blue Chrysler Grand Voyager and wearing a black and yellow Beyond Mountain Bikes top.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I'm probably up for a Sunday morning ride. What time were you thinking DK?
    Whatever time suits really, so long as it's not stupidly early :D

    'TonyWard' suggests 8-45 to 9. I can make that.

    Redmans texted me also (he's the one we missed last week) so sounds like he's interested.
  • 8.45 to 9 sounds good. See you then
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Just realised the clocks go back tonight I think, so need to make sure I'm on the right time :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Sent you a PM Tony about today, but suffice to say things went a bit tits up (worse for fatfreddyscat)! We met briefly anyway. Have to try again another time.
  • TonyWard
    TonyWard Posts: 149
    Thanks have replied. Sorry it didn't work out - and get well soon fatsfreddyscat. Did you take the left fork on the Yogurt Pot route or the right. We did the left but think that might be the wrong option - was very deep in places.

    We were all left keen for more so maybe see you again next time I get a pass to be out all morning!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It was the right fork, which is usually where I go. Unfortunately just a short way after that poor old fatsfreddyscat caught a bump or something and ended up with a broken collar bone!

    He's out for 6 weeks or so, but I'm up for another trip whenever suits people. Weekends mainly for me though. May even catch up some day with Redmans who I keep missing :D
  • All

    I have been away for 2 weeks, so i missed a the last ride, I am still keen to guide a ride should anyone be up for it.
    I was considering going out from Dorking and doing leith hil for thise that do not know it very well.
    Or can start peasake if thats the consensus.

    Pm me with dates and will go from there.l
    Santa Cruz Nomad.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Went out late today, just exploring really and getting fairly lost :D.

    Came back via Barry's and discovered they're doing some work on it. Anyone know any more about that?
  • timmys
    timmys Posts: 191
    deadkenny wrote:
    Went out late today, just exploring really and getting fairly lost :D.

    Came back via Barry's and discovered they're doing some work on it. Anyone know any more about that?

    Yep, don't you dare ride it till it's finished though! :D ... s-better-1
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Cheers :D

    Bit worried about this though
    "Barry Knows Best, or BKB, as the Hurtwood trail is known to the mountain bikers who love its steep cliff face and knotted roots, is about to be made a lot safer for everyone"

    Safer means it won't be anywhere near as good I suspect. Okay they have a point about the exit onto the road, but the descent to the road is the best bit!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Wow, it's so famous a trail it's made it to BBC news!! ... 349871.stm
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Anyone up for a ride on Saturday (14th)?

    Richard2118 mentioned doing Leith. Might be up for that. Or whatever really. All good fun.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Redmans wrote:
    Thanks freddy il have a look on google maps. Is the bikeshop your talking about in peaslake.? I to only ride up hills with the promise of a good downhill :lol: from looking on you tube theres a 9 miniute video with some really good downhills on i think one of them was barry knows best!!! Should be a good day from what ive read theres three or four big hills that need exploring but maybe not in the same day who knows? :wink:

    STAV: Do you know a few trails around the hills, why dont u consider showin us around we could use some local advice :D

    SAMPRAS: Your welcome to join us but we might be a bit too fit for you :lol: But if you think you can keep up :!:

    What makes you think you'll be too fit for me, I'm doing the Marmotte next year, plus 4 or 5 Sportives. :lol:
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    deadkenny wrote:
    Anyone up for a ride on Saturday (14th)?

    Richard2118 mentioned doing Leith. Might be up for that. Or whatever really. All good fun.

    Its going to pee it down all day and blow a gale - sunday looks better - I'll be doing a tower run setting out at about 10AM with a couple of mates .. one newbie one experienced. but I'm nursing an injury..

    If you see a couple of old gits on rockhoppers and a funny looking enduro, that'll be us. Probably get to the tower by about noon. good luck if you brave saturday
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Yeah, it's terrible today. I don't mind a little rain and wet/mud, but this is monsoon stuff!

    Probably can't make it tomorrow though unfortunately. Means have to wait a week for another ride. Damn work. Maybe I should get into night rides, but I'm not sure I have the skills for it yet. Might start booking the odd day or morning off work for a ride to get out in the week.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I'm doing a couple of night rides this week probably just stick to ranmoor and boxhill - a couple of hours.. Key thing apart from 1 - 1.5k lumen is some good thermals as it is starting to get proper cold at night now