Headaches after a ride

ReadySteadyGo Posts: 3
edited September 2009 in Health, fitness & training
I have been a keen mountain biker for quite some time now but for as long as I can remember I have suffered from headaches after each ride. I ride in the mornings so always have breakfast & drink plenty of fluid, I have a camelbak with water & drink regularly drink from this, I have tried energy drinks & squash but this makes no difference, I also take something light to snack on ie a banana or cereal bar or both just to keep my energy up. None of this seems to make any difference & the headaches can range from just being annoying to having me laid up in bed in agony.

I have spoken to my doctor who just gave me a baffled look, anyone suffered from the same problem????


  • I have the same issue, but funnily, I used to always have water in my camelback, and I tried adding in some carb drink isotonic mix and it has helped! I sweat loads when Im out so im thinking that the water wasnt being absorbed quickly enough.

    Ive also heard of a condition you can get which gives headaches after exercise. Try this....

  • afcbian
    afcbian Posts: 424
    I nearly always get a headache after a ride.
    I put it down to de-hydration despite drinking planty of fluid before, during and after each ride.
    (Must be the Pork Scratchings and cider on the way home :D )
    I ride therefore I am
  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    I used to get this from time to time but very rarely now. The thing I do differently now is to add a isotonic tablet to my drinking water when out on a ride.

    Make sure you're hydrated during the ride and your salt levels are good too.
  • A general rule of thumb is to drink 750-1000ml of fluid per hour of ride. More if it's hot. If you're a MTB'r then you're more likely to be riding through sheltered and humid terrain, throw in wearing a camelpak and sounds to me like the humidity and therefore lack of cooling is the issue ie wearing your camelpak is actually causing you to overheat further.

    If you're riding for more than an hour or two then I doubt you're eating enough if all you're having is a banana and cereal bar so try eating something every 30mins and drinking every 20mins..
  • Nik_B
    Nik_B Posts: 270
    Yes I also did after a long ride. I was drinking loads of fluids so I couldn't understand what the problem was. However I wasn't really eatting much if anything afterwards. I started taking a protein supliment and eating something within 30 minutes of getting back and that definately helped.
  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    As others have pointed out it could be you need a sports drink.

    Another thing it could be is that you are riding in the anaerobic zone for too long for your fitness.
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,456
    used to get this but it's alot better since i started adding about 1/4 tsp of salt into my camelbak.
  • Plenty there for me to think about, no sure that I can ditch the camelbak as was suggested as I have always had the headaches even when just using bottles. The sport energy drink may be the right way to go, will have to see :D
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I get headaches in colder weather - bone chill in my jaw!
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,456
    oh yeah i forgot about the winter "ice cream" headache effects :( oh well makes me look forward to summer, less bugs in winter though :)
  • it could be to do with ur helmet being to tight the pressure can cause head aches
    2 Broken fingers broken again... F@$%^£g hell that hurt!!!

    92% of teenagers have turned to rap. If your one of the 8% that still listens to real music put this in your sig.
  • Helmet or hydration.

    Check out the what sport drink sticky for hydration :)
  • This used to affect me from time to time, I put it down to the weather most of the time, usually more in cold weather rather than hot.