A few events/insights from tonights ride!

scarbs85 Posts: 170
edited September 2009 in MTB beginners
Hi all, first of let me say I am pretty darn green to this whole MTB lark, so don't expect anything too revolutionary here...

I went on my fairly quick 12mile circuit this evening, kitted out with my new padded lycra undershorts I bought after glowing praise in another thread. They do help with the riding, but good lord if you have to get off and push they are not comfy for walking....theres a no cycling bit I have to walk through on route and its the worst part of the ride.

Secondly, bull bars, cow horns, whatever they are called. Do people use them, are they much good? I found myself heading into the wind and felt I could have used them just to get forward more and drop my head, get a bit of streamlining on the go!

Thirdly, I had my first (near) off tonight :oops: Was going round a bit of new trail I found the other day, only ridden twice including tonight. Going pretty well, but hadn't noticed a deep rut running straight across the trail. It was completely grown up with grass so hard to spot. Only noticed it when I was pretty much on top of it. Hopped the front wheel over, and the back duly followed, but seeing the first one late meant I definitely didnt notice the pothole tucked right behind it. My front wheel ploughed into the hole, and turned the bike a nice sharp 90degrees on the lip. I was standing up on the pedals, and lost balance. One foot off the pedals, I dropped onto the crossbar and kept skidding for a fair distance down the track, only just staying upright. Was probably doing 15mph or so at the time, and needless to say, things I should take better care off took a fair crack. I went back to have a quick look at where I went wrong (as I waited for that familiar ache to pass), and other than seeing it all late, not sure I did too much wrong. Not sure if clipless would have helped, or having feet locked into the pedals would have dumped me off.

Sorry, started rambling a bit there, will shut up now. Any tips appreciated.


  • I dont use bar ends because they catch on things, look silly on riser bars and take up valuable real estate on my bars but I do rest my hands on the ned of the bars and lower into a tuck when I am battling the wind, a steady climb or know I dont need a firm grip or the brakes any time soon. Just assume the position as though you have them and go.

    As for the nut cracker - if you cant see the obstacle there aint much you can do - look a bit further ahead, plan a bit more for eventualities and in those circumstances it may be worth chucking weight back a bit more try and ride it all out over the back?
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.