The end of CFA? Say it ain't so!

AndyRubio Posts: 880
edited September 2009 in Pro race
The masked crusader has decided to hang up his / her / their / our cape(s).

Damn, CFA is the only reason I fire up my RSS reader every day, so refreshing in in place of cyclingnews' bland press release "news" stories.

I hope he changes his mind.


  • jim one
    jim one Posts: 183
    That is a great shame. Always a top read and provided links to many interesting articles from around the world. Hope the writer reconsiders :(

    As Lance would say "Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever" perhaps CFA should be notified of this in an ironic way that he is letting the dopers win. The sport was slowly changing and more and more teams were trying to act clean. Some had cheap talk, but it was better than it was and I would say that fan power had an influence on that as no sponsor wants to be associated with a tainted sport.

    I think a rider like Wiggins who has been as transparent as possible finishing 4th in the tour is proof that cycling has come a long, long way.
  • The little I have read from that blog I have enjoyed, found interesting and has brought to light new points.

    What he says about the Tour was paritcularly interesting and correct - I hope that wasn't a major reason for him leaving.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    When you say "he" do you mean she?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Dunno - is it a she?
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    AndyRubio wrote:
    Dunno - is it a she?

    I believe so. Will be a loss, but she hasn't really had the heart to do much with it this year.

    I still miss That was a quality site.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    The writer's name is apparently Lilly and she's mentioned some of the riders she found attractive.

    It was strange that a blog ended up being one of the few voices in the media calling for a cleaner sport. It went a large way to pointing out the likes of as cheerleading rather than journalism.
  • Reading her tweets and blog posts was like watching a person fall into mental illness, I think that's part of why I enjoyed them. The extreme negativity couldn't be sustained I guess, and doubtless Lance's return pushed her as far as she could go. Oh well.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    I often detected anger in CFA's posts but 'descent into mental illness through extreme negativity'? What a ridiculous, uncharitable and downright nasty thing to say. CFA has spoken out when many in the sport have preferred to uphold omerta - the fact that she has endured negativity and idiocy (and I've no doubt other threats) from the likes of you, Mr Rubio, is shaming for the sport as a whole.

    Hope she continues to tweet at least.
  • bikerZA
    bikerZA Posts: 314
    Real shame. I think her final message sums up quite a few of our thoughts on the current state of play of cycling.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I dunno - I didnt read it that often because it did read like the rants of a mad person.
    Its only cycling - its not THAT important.
  • jim one
    jim one Posts: 183
    Anyone know how big CFA became?? Surely no one would threaten a blog writer on clean riding :cry:
  • samb01
    samb01 Posts: 130
    Despite the fact that I wish we had the death penalty for doping, I found her a bit hysterical. She did post some good links however.
  • AndyRubio wrote:
    Reading her tweets and blog posts was like watching a person fall into mental illness, I think that's part of why I enjoyed them. The extreme negativity couldn't be sustained I guess, and doubtless Lance's return pushed her as far as she could go. Oh well.
    What a load of nonsense! To continue to campaign as CFA has over the years takes an immense amount of positivity and a belief that things can be changed for the better. It such positivity that is hard to sustain.
  • Think one of the final straws for her was Garmin chasing down Hincapie in the Tour. She was a big Garmin fan and was dismayed at the contradictory stories that emerged from the team about why it happened.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Think one of the final straws for her was Garmin chasing down Hincapie in the Tour. She was a big Garmin fan and was dismayed at the contradictory stories that emerged from the team about why it happened.

    Ok so she was big Garmin fan but to get all dismayed at that ? ........ .some folk take this sport way way too seriously.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    This is very sad news indeed- there is nothing like CFA anywhere else. On or off line.

    I've often wondered how many hours she devoted each day to finding those links. CFA taught me so much about cycling.

    I shall miss CFA, but hope against hope that she'll return after a well deserved sabbatical.