Team no prior experience Crew request!

janessimon Posts: 16
edited September 2009 in Pro race
Team "no prior experience" are looking for 1 more volunteer for their support crew in the race around Ireland. We've had a last minute cancellation from our support team so anyone over the age of 21 with a driving licence & not camera shy (see below) is welcome!

The race is 1350 miles anticlockwise around Ireland, so as part of the support crew following our team you'll get to see the most beautiful parts of the country. The race starts at 8pm on Wednesday the 16th of September; we should be finished by Saturday afternoon. The start & finish are both near Dublin, making it easy to get to and from if you are in the UK.

As support crew we'll need you to drive some of the sections (there will be 6 others to share the driving) & generally put up with having 4 tired racers hoping in the campervan!

PLEASE NOTE we have a camera crew following us for the race making a documentary about our exploits, so if you are camera shy then this might not be the trip for you, though we could easily edit out any sections in which you appear before the programe is broadcast.

If you are mad enough to want to join team no prior experience, send me a PM & I can provide you with more details. More information about the race can be found at:
