Shorts-Eating Fizik Saddles

cprice2437 Posts: 21
edited January 2011 in Road buying advice
Has anyone got the same problem as I have - I replaced two saddles on two road bikes with Fizik Arione Carbon (race bike) and Fizik Aliante Gamma (Training bike) saddles. They have chewed up my racing shorts - it appears the seams on both saddles have eaten into the lycra and I have destroyed £200 worth of shorts before I worked out what was apparently causing the damage....

I have never had this problem before - sadly both saddles were purchased used (as I wanted to try for comfort before splashing out on huge cost of new ones) so probably no comeback. Both saddles are perfect (i.e. not worn or sub-standard) and both are supremely comfortable. I just have this issue that I have never experienced with Selle Italia or other Italian saddles.

It is probably the seams in both saddles - anyone got a similar tale?

Can anyone point to a solution and/or recommend another make to replace the now re-fitted Selle Italia SLR Carbon (ouch!) on my main bike. Thanks



  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I have two Ariones, on my two road bikes and a Gobi on my MTB... No problems, so far, my shorts are fine.
    Only nark is that the writing on the saddles has worn off all three saddles, on the right side of the nose! :?
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Assos shorts + Fizik Arione + 1000s of miles = No Problem for me
    I like bikes...

  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    No problems with my Fizik saddles ever on MTB or road.... certainly not of the short eating type.
  • Just back from 40mile Sunday ride - new shorts, Fizik Arione Carbon saddle checked for alignment, height and angle. Result: another pair of chafed shorts. The chafing is on the lycra that covers the rear of the pad and is definitely a Fizik saddle issue, because I wore these shorts last week on MTB with Selle saddle and not a mark....

    I was ultra-conscious today of the potential problem and despite this I have ruined another pair of shorts.....

    Had thought that maybe the saddle height had changed when I put on the Fizik (as the saddle frame to cover depth is different to the SLR that cam off - hence the careful checks before todays ride.

    Maybe my backside is just becoming a funny shape or something - but I can't go on like's costing me a fortune. HELP!!

  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    cprice2437 wrote:
    Maybe my backside is just becoming a funny shape or something - but I can't go on like's costing me a fortune. HELP!! CP

    Have you been eating a lot of pies, lately?... :wink:


    Ariones have longer saddle rails.
    Is your seat too far forward, now, so you are hanging off the back, in effect?

    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Are you sure it is the saddle itself which is causing the problem? Perhaps if the saddle is narrower than your previous one your shorts are chaffing on the seat pack, particularly on the velcro strap which wraps round the seatpost.

    I had that a few years ago, fortunately on what were a cheap pair of shorts.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    My mate had a similar problem when he started out - he was of ample girth and it was the 'overspill' from his thighs forcing the material to rub against the underside of the saddle -nothing to do with the saddle. Ride lots and burn off that residue and it should go away!
    I've never experienced the problem myself - currently 3x Ariones and an Aliante
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    I was getting rubbing and piling on my shorts on the inner thigh and after reading a thread recently on here found it was caused by rubbing against the strap for the seatpack which goes round the seatpost. Folded the strap way and used a cable tie instead. No more rubbing on shorts.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Monty Dog wrote:
    My mate had a similar problem when he started out - he was of ample girth and it was the 'overspill' from his thighs forcing the material to rub against the underside of the saddle -nothing to do with the saddle. Ride lots and burn off that residue and it should go away! I've never experienced the problem myself - currently 3x Ariones and an Aliante

    :shock: Ha, ha... He's gonna lurve you, Monty Dog!!! :wink::wink:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    cprice2437 you aree not going mad.... you are not alone... i too had the same issue with an Arione, in my case a Arione CX saddle with carbon rails... You can even see the diagonal cut out stripes that form the wingflex at either of the saddle...

    Apparently the UK importer said my body was incompatible with the arione saddle... funny alway's wonder why i had an extra leg more than other humans (ironic humour laced with a large dash of sarcasm!)




    I did four pairs of shorts in Assos F1 mille airblock longs and 3 other pairs... and was told by importer that they were not liable under the thier 'limited' warranty ?? :cry::(
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    markmod wrote:
    cprice2437 you aree not going mad.... you are not alone... i too had the same issue with an Arione, in my case a Arione CX saddle with carbon rails... You can even see the diagonal cut out stripes that form the wingflex at either of the saddle...

    Apparently the UK importer said my body was incompatible with the arione saddle... funny alway's wonder why i had an extra leg more than other humans (ironic humour laced with a large dash of sarcasm!)




    I did four pairs of shorts in Assos F1 mille airblock longs and 3 other pairs... and was told by importer that they were not liable under the thier 'limited' warranty ?? :cry::(

    Is that 10p covering your 'sheriffs badge' :shock:

    I know, I know, I'm leaving... :wink:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    The assos damage was after 4 miles on a brand new pair- I nearly vomited when I saw it... Felt sick to the bottom of my stomach!!
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    The assos damage was after 4 miles on a brand new pair- I nearly vomited when I saw it... Felt sick to the bottom of my stomach!!
  • Assos shorts + Fizik Arione + 1000s of miles = No Problem for me

    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Weird. Never had a problem and I've had an Arione for 5 years or so.
  • I don't suppose you've got a seat pack attached with a velcro strap have you? I do, and generated a mark very like the ones in the photos on a pair of Assos shorts. I posted on here and several people suggested I check, which I did and hey presto, just exactly where my thigh would touch the exposed velcro was the little worn patch. Interestingly several other "inferior" pairs of shorts show no such sensitivity.
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon
  • I wish it was as easy as a seat pack or tool bag or even a saddle with obvious rough edges etc.

    The problem is pretty much as reported and beautifully pictured by others - same wear pattern and everything. Can't obviously see the wingflex damage but the wear is in the same place.

    I never use a seat pack as I ruined a pair of shoprts 20 years ago this way - I caught the inner leg on an Alfredo Binda metal toe strap fitting that was holding the tub and waterproof under the saddle. Blood, swearing and evrything - so I have always carried tube/tools in rear pockets of jersey.

    Not sure moving back to Selle Italia saddle has worked (because shorts are already damaged) but doesn't appear to be getting worse so it really does look like a Fizik issue for me.

  • CP, at the risk of sounding very rude, do you have a fat arse? I have four road bikes and all of them have Fizik saddles. There are two Ariones, a Pave and an Aliante. Most of my shorts are Assos. Never had a single issue.

    Could it be that your butt cheeks are hanging over the side of the saddle and rubbing on the plastic reinforcement? I'm buggered if I can think what alse it could be aside from a velcro strap which you have ruled out
  • Have I got a fat arse - well no , not really. I have just asked her indoors and she said that candidly it's not fat- then spoiled it all by saying my stomach is fat though. Not sure it's fat enough to rub on the saddle.

    I have shoved all the Fuzik saddles right forward on the post to make sure it's not the seatpost adjuster rubbing,but it ain't that either. To be honest the Fizik saddles are in the bits bin now and will get ebayed when I get round to it. Shame cos they were comfy perches - especially the aliante on long rides.

    Thanks for the suggestion though.

  • I don't normally say this (not to blokes anyway) but any chance we can see a picture of your lycra-clad arse? Only then can we jusge if it's fat or not. Your wife might just be being kind
  • A picture of my Lycra clad behind. Err no. There we will have to leave something to the imagination.

    But (or should that be butt?) I think I have found the problem.

    Viewed directly from above, the Fizik Arione Carbon railed saddle has a design problem. The rails stick out beyond the seat itself by probably no more than a millimeter or two on either side, but more markedly on the left side which is the side of my shorts that's "eaten" the worst.

    So - as my legs are pumping up and down, the rough carbon is probably chafing on the Lycra.

    Interestingly the Selle Italia saddles I have do not suffer from this at all - in fact the reverse; there is more clearance between the seat cover and the rail when viewed from directly above. I can't bend the carbon rail obviously but I reckon this is the problem.

    Had a look in LBS today at a number of Fizik saddles gracing the showroom wall and guess what - some of those on display also have the same problem (but not all) which suggests to me there are manufacturing tolerances here that are perhaps too tight and resulting in some saddles displaying this "exposed rail" syndrome. Obviously on steel/alloy railed saddles the exposed rail is smooth so there is less friction here and a less obvious problem.

    Other saddle makers have a wider seat shape along more of the saddle length that avoids the issue and my 125gram SLR displays none of these symptoms despite being a fairly narrow shape (but the rails actually taper inwards slightly to avoid the problem - good design).

    Hope this helps anyone with same issue. Arione Carbon now headed for the bin not e-Bay, the Arione I have doesn't display the same properties, is back on bike 2 and we will see if this causes any chafing problem.

    I thought the sharp raised seam between the seat face and the forward "side panel" may have been the culprit but not sure that any of the shorts damage was actually done by the Arione Carbon now - I will report back if this saddle still causes problems.

    Might try a Prologo next - then write a saddle book!!

  • foggymike
    foggymike Posts: 862
    I've had the same problem with chafing/bobbling/rubbing where the flex cutouts are on my ariones. My carbon railed cx is better as it has a shiny coating to reduce friction here so it has just shined up the surface on my summer shorts. The standard cx on my winter bike has nearly eaten through my assos airblocks which were new in September though. Not pleased :(

    It's obviously a shape/design thing as I have not had any trouble with the flite saddles I used for years before selle italia made them a silly shape.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    they havent damaged any of my summer shorts but they have chewed up my two pairs of gore winter bibs.

    they've worn a hole underneath the pad on both of them, but only on one side.

    the saddle hasnt been moved since the april 27th when i had my bike fit either. gonna just make do wtih my ruined bibs this winter and buy some new ones next winter.
  • clx1
    clx1 Posts: 200
    cprice2437 wrote:
    Just back from 40mile Sunday ride - new shorts, Fizik Arione Carbon saddle checked for alignment, height and angle. Result: another pair of chafed shorts. The chafing is on the lycra that covers the rear of the pad and is definitely a Fizik saddle issue, because I wore these shorts last week on MTB with Selle saddle and not a mark....

    I was ultra-conscious today of the potential problem and despite this I have ruined another pair of shorts.....

    Had thought that maybe the saddle height had changed when I put on the Fizik (as the saddle frame to cover depth is different to the SLR that cam off - hence the careful checks before todays ride.

    Maybe my backside is just becoming a funny shape or something - but I can't go on like's costing me a fortune. HELP!!


    Had exactly the same problem, dropped the seatpost 10 mm and it fixed the problem.