Tour de L'Avenir 2009



  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    Enjoyed cyclismag's take on Hinault's presence congratulating Sicard and the best team (Sicard's France A team). French riders also had 3 stage wins and there were 4 French riders in the top 20. They wondered whether he'd given them all a talking to about better training, motivation and their sky high salaries :wink:
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Oh, I just noticed Daniel Teklehaimanot finished 6th overall, which is nice, seeing as I tipped him for greatness (sort of) last month: ... 4#15556574


    Tour de l'Avenir for PTP 2010 :wink::lol:
  • Richrd2205
    Richrd2205 Posts: 1,267
    iainf72 wrote:
    Whole team from the Ukraine chucked off the race. Seems they might have been caught with Actovegin and didn't have a diabetic handy.

    This would be quite depressing if you bought the "young riders are clean," thing....

    Still, it's hardly positive (unintended irony) for cycling to have a whole team kicked out in an event like this!

    Are you serious about the diabetes thing? Actovegin would only be prescribed for type 2 where neuropathy is present: how could a pro level cyclist have those things?
    (I'm intrigued since this is something I know a bit about & if Actovegin is commonly given TUEs for for cyclists, then pro cycling is truly f*cked)
    Please tell me that it's harder than that to get a TUE....
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Richrd2205, when the US Postal team was caught in 2000 dumping used Actovegin packaging into a bin. At the time the team issued a statement saying "Actovegin was available to be used to treat severe skin abrasions due to crashes and to aid one of our staff members who has diabetes". But many suspected it of being a product to help oxygen uptake in the blood because of some research on its effects on hypoxia.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Actovegin isn't on the WADA banned list anymore as its effectivness appears negligible. It is the administration of Actevegin that will get you in trouble - intramuscular injections are ok, intravenous injections are a big no-no.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    micron wrote:
    Enjoyed cyclismag's take on Hinault's presence congratulating Sicard and the best team (Sicard's France A team). French riders also had 3 stage wins and there were 4 French riders in the top 20. They wondered whether he'd given them all a talking to about better training, motivation and their sky high salaries :wink:

    Well, they are the only country with 'two' teams; and that they work together in practice as one team was illustrated by the bike change.... It's easier riding with a team of 12 than 6....

    The penalty is interesting though; I didn't know it was punishable to get help from someone who's not your team mate. The classement of most races would be swamped with penalties..
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    According to Harmon on the Vuelta coverage the Ukrainians were caught with something that is illegal in France, but not most other countries.... he said things like Creatine as an example (or maybe even Red Bull!).

    The guys were taken in for questioning thinking it was an investigation into something worse..... and coughed admitting to be ing involved in something more serious.