Design my winter wardrobe

sloboy Posts: 1,139
edited September 2009 in Road buying advice
I haven't spent much on hardware this year, so I though I might invest a bit in better togs for winter road riding - currently I use some of my old MTB kit, or with a 15 quid boil-in-the-bag "waterproof" top layer. Temperature range probably down to say 4-5 deg C (below that I tend to pull out the MTB)

I wondered if I what I should be looking at might be:

- a windproof mid weight top
- a non-insulated waterproof top layer

Perhaps with a Gore Oxygen 3 as a candidate for the latter.

Does this sound like a good strategy ?

Budget, I suppose I had thought maybe 100 quid ish per piece, if that's enough to get decent performance.

Any suggestions or better alternative approaches ?