sharm1969ca Posts: 136
edited September 2009 in Commuting chat
OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!! OOOOOUUUCCCHHHH! That gotta hurt! if ya can check out the story and video on sky news entitled POLITITIANS 4X4 FILMED SLAMMING INTO CYCLIST. DONT KNOW HOW TO POST LINK SORRY.


  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    edited September 2009
    Gawd - and without the mass CAPITALS :wink:

    Red Light Jump
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • OK k, i Wa S j UsT ExCiT ED tO pUT sOMEtHInG uP lol
  • And have you learned your lesson about inappropriate use of capitals? Hmmmmm? :P
  • Without wishing to make light of a serious situation, I'm surprised no-one has commented on the victim's name: Richard Rideout. Uhuh, a likely story! :wink:
  • didnt know i was in an english lesson lmao!
  • OH SNAP!! :shock:
  • The people in the background walk by as if nothing has happened!
  • Thats the same link as posted by Kieran_Burns above! :roll:
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,457
    Another cyclist injured complying with traffic lights, if he had waited for a red light then jumped that he would be fine :roll: :wink:
  • Oddjob62
    Oddjob62 Posts: 1,056
    Clark was given a ticket by police for the red light driving offence.

    As yet unnamed (Dolan Seta)
    Joelle (Focus Expert SRAM)
  • Did anyone read the comments section below the article?
    "I would prefer an end to the "ban it" culture in the UK altogether, but if we have to ban yet something else, it's the bicycles that need banning, at least until they start paying road tax, obeying the Highway Code, staying off footpaths/pavements and are insured"

    Really hacks me off when I see comments like that, especially in reaction to a story where the cyclist was wiped out my an RLJing motorist, FFS :evil:
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Rockbuddy wrote:
    Did anyone read the comments section below the article?
    "I would prefer an end to the "ban it" culture in the UK altogether, but if we have to ban yet something else, it's the bicycles that need banning, at least until they start paying road tax, obeying the Highway Code, staying off footpaths/pavements and are insured"

    Really hacks me off when I see comments like that, especially in reaction to a story where the cyclist was wiped out my an RLJing motorist, FFS :evil:

    I agree. And I've left a comment stating how I feel many of the anticycling posters are too cowardly to even come out and say what they think/want - "ban cyclists". Lets see if that gets posted.

    I've sat and watched lit junctions, I've seen a minority of cyclists run lights and usually moderately safely or at risk to themselves... however I have seen a majority of drivers lately running lights - some quite blatantly with high risk involved.

    Some of those posters really have put their fingers in their ears and gone "lalalalala!!" or are either trolls. :roll:
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    downfader wrote:
    I agree. And I've left a comment stating how I feel many of the anticycling posters are too cowardly to even come out and say what they think/want - "ban cyclists". Lets see if that gets posted.

    I've sat and watched lit junctions, I've seen a minority of cyclists run lights and usually moderately safely or at risk to themselves... however I have seen a majority of drivers lately running lights - some quite blatantly with high risk involved.

    Some of those posters really have put their fingers in their ears and gone "lalalalala!!" or are either trolls. :roll:

    You're doing exactly the same now!! Have you really seen a majority of drivers running red lights? Honestly?!! In my experience, the majority of drivers and cyclists behave pretty well (can argue about the size of the minority that don't behave but it is certainly a minority) - trying to tar motorists with the same brush that they tar us with makes us no better than they are.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Rolf F wrote:
    downfader wrote:
    I agree. And I've left a comment stating how I feel many of the anticycling posters are too cowardly to even come out and say what they think/want - "ban cyclists". Lets see if that gets posted.

    I've sat and watched lit junctions, I've seen a minority of cyclists run lights and usually moderately safely or at risk to themselves... however I have seen a majority of drivers lately running lights - some quite blatantly with high risk involved.

    Some of those posters really have put their fingers in their ears and gone "lalalalala!!" or are either trolls. :roll:

    You're doing exactly the same now!! Have you really seen a majority of drivers running red lights? Honestly?!! In my experience, the majority of drivers and cyclists behave pretty well (can argue about the size of the minority that don't behave but it is certainly a minority) - trying to tar motorists with the same brush that they tar us with makes us no better than they are.

    Not really. Running a light still counts when its changed for 3-4 seconds and this happens all the time here. It still counts when its a pedestrian crossing or road works - again happens all the time..

    There are far less cyclists than drivers here.And most cyclists dont ride at night here. However I can name several junctions where drivers will jump frequently(Thomas Lewis Way/St Denys rd, Orpen rd/Butts rd, light controlled crossing on Winchester plus several lights along it and the various road works on portsmouth road and in the city center - I could go on)

    Its mainly the "its only just changed" mentality going on
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    downfader wrote:
    Not really. Running a light still counts when its changed for 3-4 seconds and this happens all the time here. It still counts when its a pedestrian crossing or road works - again happens all the time..

    I appreciate that but still - a majority? Quite hard to manage anyway. A light would have to be on a very short sequence for it to be possible for as many cars to run the red as go through on green.

    It is still the same mindset that the car drivers have of us. They are sat in a queue - they watch the cyclists come up the inside and see any cyclist that runs the red. They don't see any cars other than the one in front if they were the last person through.

    Of course, the drivers don't have the chance to run the red once the car infront actually has stopped unlike cyclists. Still, I'd say that the vast majority of traffic crossing junctions does so legally.
    Faster than a tent.......