Planning Lands End-John O'Groats 2010.Trailer or panniers?

Shantel Posts: 6
edited September 2009 in Tour & expedition
Hi there - I am new to the forum, and would love to hear from anybody who has achieved the end to end challenge, and their experiences, good or bad. I am planning this trip with my other half for around May/June time next year, and will be taking camping gear so will need either panniers or a trailer. I have had experience using both, but limited and have only used a two wheeled trailer when I have towed my small dog, and have only used two panniers on the back of my previous bike, so on long journeys, I really don't know which would be best. I am leaning towards using a one wheeled trailer as I'm not sure I want my bike to feel unstable with front and rear panniers. I also wonder if it would be more convienient to unhook a trailer if we decided to bed and breakfast it a few times too! Any help much appreciated :D


  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    I have used both but i would stick to panniers. Unless you intend to carry masses of gear you should not need front panniers, although people say front panniers increase stability. I have only used rear panniers myself.

    imo road = panniers, offroad = trailer
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    More problems but still living....
  • mandie
    mandie Posts: 218
    Unless you are taking the kitchen sink, rear panniers and a bar bag on both bikes should be enough.
    We\'ll kick against the darkness \'till it bleeds daylight
  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    I've never used a trailer, and I suspect it's a case of six of one and half a dozen of the other, but if your instinct is to use a trailer then go with it.
  • Well, I decided to take the plunge and order a one wheeler - it's not a bob, but very similar at a fraction of the price. Were planning a short trip in the next few weeks, so we'll take all our gear and see how we get on. If I don't get on with it then I'll try panniers - I do have a bar bag anyway for the little things I'll need to hand.

    Thanks for the replies folks :)
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    I hope you weren't planning on using trains for getting to the start and home form the finish of your LEJOG. Its bad enough getting a bike on and off a train. A trailer would be a bloody nightmare!

    A trailer means extra weight, extra hassle and extra rolling resistance. I used one touring once (a Bob Yak) and gave it away at the end of my tour cos I grew to hate it.

    Good luck with the trailer :)
    More problems but still living....
  • amaferanga - nah, already read up on the train problems with bikes so as we live in Devon, we'd get a lift to Lands End, and then we'd get a one way hire car the other end to home.

    I'll see how I get on with the trailer - I needed a new one for the dog anyway, so if I find I really dislike it I can still use it occasionally so it won't be a complete waste of money, and I'll just get some panniers later on. I'm hoping I won't be too overloaded and so avoid the front ones - I'll be leaving my hair straighteners and make up behind anyway :lol: :roll:
  • will3
    will3 Posts: 2,173
    trailers rule, but you might find you end up taking more than you thought you needed!
    We use a carry freedom 2 wheeler for tandem touring, but then tandem touring has the problem of two people's gear on one bike, so special reasons :wink: