Most hated TV adverts

stuart_c-2 Posts: 805
edited September 2009 in The Crudcatcher
Spin off from Gman's thread.

What's your most hated TV advert?

For me it's the "Poo at Paul's" ad and any ad for women's "special time". I'm pretty sure they don't need reminding about it!!!!!! :evil:

"On the blob? Stick this up your......." AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
"I ride to eat"


  • We Buy Any

    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    f*cking hate that song
  • MarkEo
    MarkEo Posts: 308
    Wicked thread!!!!

    ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK, im going to shout ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK as much as i possibly can in 2minutes ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK, ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK so if you need car insurance ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK just type ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK into ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK the internet ELEPHANT DOT CO DOT UK. . . . . simples!
    Tis better to regret something you've done than to regret not doing something!
  • MarkEo
    MarkEo Posts: 308
    Sheilas bloody wheels as well, i hate that song i cant stop singing it i have to turn the TV off when it comes on or stick my fingers in my ears and shout really loudly just so i cant hear that f*cking song, i rang them and lodged a complaint about it but they said the advertising side of things was nothing to do with them! stupid song!
    Tis better to regret something you've done than to regret not doing something!
  • Stuart_C wrote:
    For me it's the "Poo at Paul's" ad and any ad for women's "special time". I'm pretty sure they don't need reminding about it!!!!!!

    Just saw this one, LOL its so S**T has to be up there
    Specailized Enduro 08 - Beast
    OnOne 456
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    all of them are undoubtfully crap :P
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Catfood adverts. All of them.
  • BurtonM
    BurtonM Posts: 425
    i agree SS. For one packet of IAMS food you would have to feed me 39 packets of ordinary food. No you wouldnt you douche, anyways who cares what cats eat, they should be killed anyways
    yeehaamcgee wrote:

    That's like saying i want a door for my car that doesn't meet the roof, because I once had the wind blow it shut when I was getting in, and I had my head squished between, well, the door and the roof.
  • Marks and Spencer adverts are shocking. I also agree on the ''going to do a poo and pauls'' one, I mean who on earth came up with that idea seriously?
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    If I was going to market some catfood today it would be manly catfood. Non of this gay catfood we see, called Albert or Quentin. LION CATFOOD - NOT FOR PUSSIES.
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562 has to be up there

  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    edited September 2009
    Yep, the 'poo at pauls' I want to smash the TV up whenever it's on....

    bloody child - I'd let him 5hit himself! :lol:
  • Churchill ads. OMG they were mildly entreating back in the day when they first cam out, but now omg they are so S**T
    Specailized Enduro 08 - Beast
    OnOne 456
  • Don't forget the ESure adverts!!

    Oh and the Halifax ones.
    Kona Stinky Six
    Kona Scrap
    Scott YZ4
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    yes definately halifax. :twisted:
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    got an old mobile phone? need cash? SHOVE IT UP YOUR ARSE AND PUT IT ON THE INTERNET AN ANALFONE.COM :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • 77ric
    77ric Posts: 601
    supersonic wrote:
    If I was going to market some catfood today it would be manly catfood. Non of this gay catfood we see, called Albert or Quentin. LION CATFOOD - NOT FOR PUSSIES.

    someone give that man a highly paid advertisement job, i mean I'd buy LION CATFOOD, and i don't even have a cat.

    erm back to the point as already mentioned we buy bloody any old piece of shit car, argh i HATE that bloody advert.

    an ex of mine hated that always lady products advert, you know the one "Have a happy period". by christ she would shout at the telly "what's bloody happy about it' and if Manchester United happened to be playing at home and it came on everyone would dive for cover. she would go off like a small tactical nuke.
    Fancy a brew?
  • "Injury Lawyers 4U". :evil:

    Learn to Feckin spell you morons!!!!!
    Why would I take legal advice from someone using txt spk in their company name ffs!
    "They're real lawyers"
    Am I supposed to be impressed that this legal company uses real lawyers? I should bloody well thay are.
    And besides, they're not real lawyers, they're solicitors, we are in England you tw@t

    Other than that, I agree with Poo at pauls, and we buy any car.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    "Injury Lawyers 4U". :evil:

    Learn to Feckin spell you morons!!!!!
    Why would I take legal advice from someone using txt spk in their company name ffs!
    "They're real lawyers"
    Am I supposed to be impressed that this legal company uses real lawyers? I should bloody well thay are.
    And besides, they're not real lawyers, they're solicitors, we are in England you tw@t

    Other than that, I agree with Poo at pauls, and we buy any car.

    Haha, you think like I do!

    Probably a short path to a coronary, but hey ho....
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    Oh and those stupid bloody ocean finance adverts they got their own sky channel 888

    stupid prick with a lightbulb stuck to his head :evil:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • Is your cat a badass?
    Is he a fu@k#ng kick ass mo'fo?

    then LION Cat food is the ONLY option!!!
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • "Injury Lawyers 4U". :evil:

    Learn to Feckin spell you morons!!!!!
    Why would I take legal advice from someone using txt spk in their company name ffs!
    "They're real lawyers"
    Am I supposed to be impressed that this legal company uses real lawyers? I should bloody well thay are.
    And besides, they're not real lawyers, they're solicitors, we are in England you tw@t

    :lol: So true! I hate all those personal injury ads!

    My mate was stopped in the street by someone from a PI firm once

    "Good morning sir, have you ever had an accident at work?"

    He replied: "You'll have an accident at work in a minute"
  • Anyone seen the god awful one for the New Peugeot Verve....some slimey sales chump selling a car to girl and at the end she asked "have you got it anything other than black" and he says "we have noire"...I think he meant to look smooth and cool, but I just though 'what a tool!"
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • Anyone seen the god awful one for the New Peugeot Verve....some slimey sales chump selling a car to girl and at the end she asked "have you got it anything other than black" and he says "we have noire"...I think he meant to look smooth and cool, but I just though 'what a tool!"

    :lol: yeh, I hate that one too. If you actually listen to what he is saying though, it's essentially a regular black 207 (or 307, I forget which it is) with some different mats fitted and fog lights.
  • Anyone seen the god awful one for the New Peugeot Verve....some slimey sales chump selling a car to girl and at the end she asked "have you got it anything other than black" and he says "we have noire"...I think he meant to look smooth and cool, but I just though 'what a tool!"

    :evil: I forgot about that one! I think that's aimed at people who think the pinnacle of style and cool is anything to do with Los Angeles.
  • POO AT PAUL'S! AAAAARGH! Oh, and the Dulco-Eze with those s0dding women talking sh1t (literally) in that caff... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I HATE THOSE FLINKING ADVERTS!

    And breathe.........
    Old hockey players never die - they just smell that way...
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I took a sh1t at Paul's once - right in the middle of his new lawn. He wasn't very happy.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Chelsea friggin building society!!!!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    That new Trebor chewing gum ad. If I see that stupid grinning fat bird again I will send her something nasty in the post.
  • Halifax ones, especially those where they give people who pay in £1000 wages a month an extra fiver. They don't show the full thing where they make it in charges off those people who they give overdrafts to and then charge away for anything, even if it's their fault. Perhaps needs that black howard guy in a robin hood hat taking the money from hardworking people who earn less than 14k a year so don't get this extra thing....

    And those ones where women are casually chatting away about bowel movements, thrush etc in the middle of a cafe. Have some respect for the old boy sitting on the next table over trying to digest his omlette.

    Then the halfords ones. Just because they're a bunch of see you next tuesdays.
    Start Weight 18st 13lbs March 2009
    17st 10lbs August 2009
    17st 4lbs October 2009
    15st 12lbs December 2010

    Final planned weight 12st 7lbs