Switching to 3 speed - any advice? (Globe San Fran 2)

mattrog Posts: 3
edited August 2009 in Commuting chat

I am considering taking the plunge and swapping in my trusty old Specialized Rockhopper Comp (about 1998 I think) for a shiney new (but apparently just discontinued.....) Specialized Globe San Francisco 2.


My biggest worry is that its a 3 speed - and i cant for life of me find any info on how it might compare to my existing setup. I was wondering if anyone can help?

My commute is around 3.5 miles and I have just been using my 44t front and the 11-24 of my 11-28 rear cassette. I will usually plod along at around 17/18mph dropping to 8/9mph for the hill on the way home and 30mph (yes officer...) for the same hill (down ..!) in the morning .... The hill is around 0.5 mile with around 30m of elevation change

I would really appreciate any advice / help - I am going to my local bike shop tomorrow - they don't have the bike in but they apparently have another one that us the same frame ... at the very least i should get a rough idea of size..

I don't suppose anyone in / around Cardiff has got one?

would really appreciate any advice




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  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Why not go for the Vienna - 8 speed Nexus hub - incidently I wanted the 2009 Crosstrail Comp and was told it had sold out in this country and that stocks of Specialized 2009 were very low
  • mattrog
    mattrog Posts: 3
    Thanks for the advice - I appreciate it (and quick to !)

    The Specialized stock system does seam a little odd - I spoke to a shop in bristol who said that there are NO Globes in the country - but in Cardiff they checked and they suggested the stock system was saying over 50 in stock .....

    I hate myself for saying this ... But how it looks is important to me as well - and i am sure i will get slammed for this - but I was brought up on MTB's so i just cant bring myself to buy a Cross (700) or full road bike - the san fran 2 has the aggressive styling (in my eyes) of an MTB but with the more practical features of a *shudder* road bike ....

    My MTB days are long gone (ironically due to an MTB crash as a kid ) bad back - 2 disks wedge shaped makes off-roading and oddly carrying rucksacks painful after a bit .... So i am most definitely in denial about becoming a "roadie" .... I plan to keep kidding myself for a few more years ....

    If I was being "practical" i would get a a rockhopper comp disk and fit some slicks - but the san fran 2 just looks soo nice ... But I just dont know if i can make the jump to 3 speed ...
  • DevUK
    DevUK Posts: 299
    I've been told by an LBS that the difference between the 3 gears are quite big so it can be quite clunky to ride, but I've not test ridden unfortunately so can't say for sure. I was pretty tempted by one of these too, but looking at either the Alfine 8 speed or something "normal" now.
    FCN Daily commute = 11
    FCN Fixie commute = 5
  • £190... Inter-3 hub gear... 18 " frame
    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/18-SARACEN-PYLON- ... .m14.l1262

    £250 or make an offer... Nexus 8 hub gear... 20" frame
    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Saracen-Pylon-4-C ... .m14.l1262

    £292... Inter-3 hub gear... 19" frame... prequal to San Fransisco 2
    http://www.hargrovescycles.co.uk/produc ... rtno=31421

    As for gear ratios, use Sheldon's gear calculator...
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo


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