Chain Sets

Beachslapper Posts: 45
edited August 2009 in Road buying advice
I currently ride a giant scr3 and am in the process of upgrading the wheels to a set of Mavics.
I am also wondering what else would be worth upgrading. I curently run a triple at the front im not sure of the sizes but was wondering if it would be benificial to change to a double which the more expencive bikes seem to have.
Thanks in advance


  • Takis61
    Takis61 Posts: 239
    Cost you a packet to change from triple to double or vice versa, might be cheaper to actually buy a new bike.
    The reason that more expensive bikes run doubles is that triples were generally seen as only for tourers, or beginners, who were not as fit & needed the extra gears to cope with hills.
    You can now get doubles in compact form (50/34 teeth generally) as opposed to normal race (53/39) which depending on the rear cassette gives a similar gear ratio to a triple.
    The other objection some people have to a trilpe (apart from roadie snobbery) is that a triple adds weight.
    IMHO, upgrade the wheels but hold off aany decision on the chainset, particularly if you are not a good climber - lighter & stiffer wheels will make a huge difference.
    My knees hurt !
  • Mister W
    Mister W Posts: 791
    Not true, you can change to a double quite cheaply but TBH if your triple is working okay I'd stick with it until it wears out.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    I changed my SCR2.0 to a compact chainset. All I changed apart from the chainset was the front mech. Cost was less than 1 bike :wink:
    More problems but still living....