Well Done Maryka

Toks Posts: 1,143
edited August 2009 in Amateur race


  • maryka
    maryka Posts: 748
    :oops: wow a thead with my name in the title! :D

    Report is coming today, gonna put together a blog post with a few pics of last week's races. 3rd at Palace, 2nd at Goodwood, 1st at Hog Hill -- though to be fair there's hardly more than a dozen women racing at any of them, I'll be much prouder of a top 10 result at the London Open circuit champs if I can manage it!

    Hog Hill's a great little circuit though, for anyone who has yet to give it a try. If you're decent at hills, the finish will suit you much better than the typical flat sprint to the line. :)
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Hey a win's a win. I've got a friend who has raced at Hog Hill regularly this year in the women's races and has had a ton of 3rds and a few 2nd's but not that elusive win. Once again chapeau, following you're results has been quite inspiring....my season went a bit flat after a stage race back in July. So I was just getting into shape and ready to do some late season races and then some scum bag knicked my bike last friday so I won't be racing till next year now. :( I did a thirty minute run for a change today. Damn running is so painful. How do you guys do it?
  • maryka
    maryka Posts: 748
    Ok, report's up: http://smaryka.blogspot.com/2009/08/hap ... dings.html

    Crystal Palace tonight was good too, finished 3rd (3rd time in a row!) and won my entry fee back plus a bit so can't complain. Set a new 1-min power record trying to stave off one of the Dynamo girls who's got a wicked finishing sprint. Alas, I didn't manage to do it, but I'm getting better at sprinting at least! I do think this means my 1-min power record is probably a bit soft though...