The definitive 'I love Lance' thread.

BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
edited August 2009 in Pro race
This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

Have fun!

P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.


  • Fuck off, you boring cunt
  • AO1504
    AO1504 Posts: 57
    This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

    Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

    Have fun!

    P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.

    So an anti-Armstrong user starts a thread about the person he hates the most, a classic case of school boy sexual tension.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    AO1504 wrote:
    So an anti-Armstrong user starts a thread about the person he hates the most, a classic case of school boy sexual tension.
    There I was, just trying to create a place where 'Lance' fans could go without been upset by things like the truth. Now you have messed up the thread by repeating my post they will have to create their own thread. (Assuming of course that, despite their complaints, they aren’t actively looking for criticism).

    As to 'sexual tension', that must have hung heavy in the air the other day in Scotland. Personally, I would much prefer to be given the opportunity to ride behind Victoria Pendleton for a few miles....
  • Harry Hill
    Harry Hill Posts: 114
    Excellent - Somewhere for me to say what I think without criticism.

    Well, I think Lance is most definatly the greatest Tour de France rider that has ever, and probably will ever, have lived.

    Any man who can achieve the position of 7 times winner of a Grand Tour is without doubt an awesome individual.

    The funny thing is that his acheivment is made even more great, by virtue of the fact that the anti-lance brigade, in running him down, have had to resort to coments like "well so what, anyone can win a tour if they have (the right team/enough money/etc etc) insert appropriate bleet here.

    The things is, NO YOU MUPPET. Anyone CAN'T win the tour. It has always and will always take a phenominal individual physical talent to win even a single Tour De France. Let alone 7 Tour's de France.

    If ANYONE could win it, then ANYONE would win it.

    Lance is an inspiration to me and I admire him greatly.

    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    fark off, you boring ****
    I can just see you eagerly clicking on the thread, ‘It’s not about the bike’ close at hand, only to find that disappointment lurked behind the heading. :lol:
  • Haven't you fucked off yet, you boring cunt?
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    Harry Hill wrote:
    Excellent - Somewhere for me to say what I think without criticism.
    Sorry, but the (rather predictable) personal attacks on me have already spoiled this thread. As a 'Lance' fan do you think that you could start another thread, 'For Lance fans only' or something like that, and I promise I will never post there.

  • Harry Hill
    Harry Hill Posts: 114
    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • Harry Hill
    Harry Hill Posts: 114
    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • Harry Hill
    Harry Hill Posts: 114
    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • markwalker
    markwalker Posts: 953
    Harry Hill wrote:

  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Sorry, but the (rather predictable) personal attacks on me have already spoiled this thread. As a 'Lance' fan do you think that you could start another thread, 'For Lance fans only' or something like that, and I promise I will never post there.


    The "Lance in Glasgow" thread is where you will find them.
    Like me, if you have No Respect for the man then don't go there to suffer the "Cringe Factor"
    Bernie you I have been there and put our point of view and got insulted so like me then don't bother anymore.

    I thought that was a fitting end to his visit to Europe 2009 with his exit through the crowds.
    The Millionaire has returned to his Home Stage where he has other things to arrange and it won't be Cycling or Cancer awareness but lots of hands to shake.

    Another Grand Tour starts this Saturday and he will not be missed.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    deejay wrote:
    Bernie you I have been there and put our point of view and got insulted so like me then don't bother anymore.

    Oh the irony !
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Meds1962
    Meds1962 Posts: 391
    It's a shame anybody rose to the bait and responded to the OP.
    O na bawn i fel LA
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

    Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

    Have fun!

    P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.

    Your best yet BB. Congrats :wink::wink:
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Maybe we need a whole other section on the forum, just dedicated to all things Lance. Good, bad or otherwise.

    But it sure as hell is getting boring rehashing the same drivel over and over and over and over on this part of the forum.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    Harry Hill wrote:
    Anyone CAN'T win the tour. It has always and will always take a phenominal individual physical talent to win even a single Tour De France.
    Quite, in fact it takes the 'talents' of someone like Riis, Pantaini, Ullrich or Landis. Pity the 'talent' to win the Tour so often boils down to being gifted with a physiology that responds exceptionally well to doping.
  • Woodchip
    Woodchip Posts: 205
    Harry Hill wrote:
    Anyone CAN'T win the tour. It has always and will always take a phenominal individual physical talent to win even a single Tour De France.
    Quite, in fact it takes the 'talents' of someone like Riis, Pantaini, Ullrich or Landis. Pity the 'talent' to win the Tour so often boils down to being gifted with a physiology that responds exceptionally well to doping.
    So all succesful PT riders dope?

    Answer me one simple question. If you think everyone dopes why post about it? Surely you could go and bury your head in the sand and watch girly football or something and stop boring us.
    I have nothing more to say on the matter.
  • mikeq
    mikeq Posts: 141
    One thing I dont understand.

    If they dope then why do they not do well in all the races? why did Lance not do well in the Tour of Ireland?
    Cycling from Glasgow to Paris to raise funds for Asthma UK
  • Woodchip
    Woodchip Posts: 205
    mikeq wrote:
    One thing I dont understand.

    If they dope then why do they not do well in all the races? why did Lance not do well in the Tour of Ireland?
    It's merely an elaborate cover-up so we don't suspect them, or so Bernster would have you believe in his weird "guilty until proven innocent and even when proven innocent then they're still guilty" world
    I have nothing more to say on the matter.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    The "innocent until proven guilty" is the wrongly used concept for drug tests - the stance for positive tests under "absolute liability" is that the testee is responsible for anything they find and is assumed to have taken something deliberately unless they can provide conclusive evidence to the contrary e.g. sabotage, false results, test protocols, aunties 'columbian' sweeties, my dog did it, vanishing twin etc etc as used by the likes of Simoni, Hamilton or Landis, for example
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Woodchip
    Woodchip Posts: 205
    Monty Dog wrote:
    The "innocent until proven guilty" is the wrongly used concept for drug tests - the stance for positive tests under "absolute liability" is that the testee is responsible for anything they find and is assumed to have taken something deliberately unless they can provide conclusive evidence to the contrary e.g. sabotage, false results, test protocols, aunties 'columbian' sweeties, my dog did it, vanishing twin etc etc as used by the likes of Simoni, Hamilton or Landis, for example
    But we're talking about a man that's never had a positive test.
    I have nothing more to say on the matter.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    Woodchip wrote:
    Monty Dog wrote:
    The "innocent until proven guilty" is the wrongly used concept for drug tests - the stance for positive tests under "absolute liability" is that the testee is responsible for anything they find and is assumed to have taken something deliberately unless they can provide conclusive evidence to the contrary e.g. sabotage, false results, test protocols, aunties 'columbian' sweeties, my dog did it, vanishing twin etc etc as used by the likes of Simoni, Hamilton or Landis, for example
    But we're talking about a man that's never had a positive test.
    Who? Armstrong tested positive for corticoids in a UCI sanctioned test. True he wasn't sanctioned but that was because the UCI in their determination to protect him broke their own rules and accepted a pre-dated TUE from him, even though only days earlier Armstrong said he had no such exemption. It has also been scientifically proven that his was charged to the gills on Epo in 1999*. Or do you mean 'a rider who has never been sanctioned', which is rather a different thing?

    * "So there is no doubt in my mind he (Lance Armstrong) took EPO during the '99 Tour." ... l-ashenden

    UCI experts do not believe in Armstrong

    It may be that Lance Armstrong never officially tested positive, but according to Robin Paris Otto, one of UCI's anti-doping experts and the man who in 2000 developed the first analytical method for the detection of EPO, there is evidence that the opposite is true.

    ...He adds that the results which showed that the American was doped in1999 must be considered to be valid from a scientific point of view . "The methods used were valid. It is clear that the question mark concerning whether Armstrong was doped really is more of a legal than scientific nature. So there is scientific evidence that he was doped in1999 and that he took epo. To deny it would be to lie. " ... yhed=17128
  • This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

    Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

    Have fun!

    P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.

    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Who? Armstrong tested positive for corticoids in a UCI sanctioned test. True he wasn't sanctioned but that was because the UCI in their determination to protect him broke their own rules and accepted a pre-dated TUE from him, even though only days earlier Armstrong said he had no such exemption. It has also been scientifically proven that his was charged to the gills on Epo in 1999*. Or do you mean 'a rider who has never been sanctioned', which is rather a different thing?

    * "So there is no doubt in my mind he (Lance Armstrong) took EPO during the '99 Tour."

    It may be that Lance Armstrong never officially tested positive, but according to Robin Paris Otto, one of UCI's anti-doping experts and the man who in 2000 developed the first analytical method for the detection of EPO, there is evidence that the opposite is true.

    ...He adds that the results which showed that the American was doped in1999 must be considered to be valid from a scientific point of view . "The methods used were valid. It is clear that the question mark concerning whether Armstrong was doped really is more of a legal than scientific nature. So there is scientific evidence that he was doped in1999 and that he took epo. To deny it would be to lie. " [/i]

    Can I Bang my Drum now Please.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

    Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

    Have fun!

    P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.

    I know, but this thread was spoilt almost as soon as it started, what with the Lance fan boys choosing to make personal attacks on me rather than do as I suggested. Please feel free to start a new 'Lance is the greatest' thread, confine the hero worship, delusion and revisionism to such a thread and I will never darken its door.
  • This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

    Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

    Have fun!

    P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.

    I know, but this thread was spoilt almost as soon as it started, what with the Lance fan boys choosing to make personal attacks on me rather than do as I suggested. Please feel free to start a new 'Lance is the greatest' thread, confine the hero worship, delusion and revisionism to such a thread and I will never darken its door.

    Naw baby, i'm good.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    This is the thread for all fans of 'Lance'. Please feel free worship 'Lance'. Elegise about how riding at the back of a 300 strong bunch containing 'Lance' added meaning to your life. (Even in the rain, in some hole in Scotland and even if you only managed to hang on for a few miles before being dropped). Argue that 'Lance' was the greatest ever cyclist and raced clean. Write about how he is a really nice bloke whose actions are motivated entirely by a desire to 'raise cancer awareness' and add magic the lives of his fans etc.

    Keep such comments to this thread and I promise I will never 'piss on' your faith with anything so crass as evidence to the contrary. I hope all other sceptics and 'unbelievers' will do likewise. Meanwhile, any 'Lance' related comments posted elsewhere may be met with the usual criticism and rebuttals! :wink:

    Have fun!

    P.s. Once the love-in is properly underway, I will also delete this post, so as to fulfil my 'no contribution' promise.

    I know, but this thread was spoilt almost as soon as it started, what with the Lance fan boys choosing to make personal attacks on me rather than do as I suggested. Please feel free to start a new 'Lance is the greatest' thread, confine the hero worship, delusion and revisionism to such a thread and I will never darken its door.

    So - you've made your point. Why not delete the thread now and let someone who actually LIKES Lance start their own thread?
  • mikeq
    mikeq Posts: 141
    But what about my question, can this be answered by those in the know.

    Why doesn't he win everything if he is doped?
    Cycling from Glasgow to Paris to raise funds for Asthma UK
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    mikeq wrote:
    But what about my question, can this be answered by those in the know.

    Why doesn't he win everything if he is doped?

    A) Because it is very unlikely that he is currently doped up, given current controls and scrutiny he is under.

    B) even if he was in the past he was not any more doped than anyone else.

    C) riders train to peak for specific events. You can't win everything all the time.

    D) The tour of ireland is pretty small time and he only rode it for some publicity
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur