Northern France prevailing wind

ddraver Posts: 26,660
edited September 2009 in Tour & expedition
Hi Guys

I'm planning a tour in Normandie and Brittany in September - does anyone know the prevailing wind direction for the area? Thinking of starting in Roscoff and going to Le Harvre/Caen or similar but would i be better going the other way?!

Cheers guys
We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
- @ddraver


  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    The prevailing wind in all Europe west of a line roughly Denmark-central Switzerland-southern Portugal is westerly, i.e. the wind comes from the West, sometimes or some places heading more to the NE or the SE, but always some variation of west to east.
    Seasonal variations can mean winds from totally different directions but these short-term variations occur the more one is to the east within this area.
  • thats the way im going as well at the end of september, hoping to bomb through brittany and ease up in normandy with a view to do some sightseeing. Im traveling light so i ll be bed and breakfasting it, would appreciate it if you can post some info about the route when you ve done it.
    cheers steve