
BurtonM Posts: 425
edited August 2009 in Health, fitness & training
Can anbody shed some light on this.
Its a legal fat burning drug that i have been considering. Do they have harmful potentially fatal side effects?
yeehaamcgee wrote:

That's like saying i want a door for my car that doesn't meet the roof, because I once had the wind blow it shut when I was getting in, and I had my head squished between, well, the door and the roof.


  • BurtonM
    BurtonM Posts: 425
    its known for its rapid effects, giving energy and raising heart beat
    yeehaamcgee wrote:

    That's like saying i want a door for my car that doesn't meet the roof, because I once had the wind blow it shut when I was getting in, and I had my head squished between, well, the door and the roof.
  • SimonM83
    SimonM83 Posts: 22
    A guy i used to work with, who was a rugby nut said it caused his penis to shrink, and also found it hard to get an erection (not a subject we regularly discussed). But he said it was temporary.
  • BurtonM
    BurtonM Posts: 425
    what his small penis and his lack of erection was temporary? oh shit dont fancy that stuff
    yeehaamcgee wrote:

    That's like saying i want a door for my car that doesn't meet the roof, because I once had the wind blow it shut when I was getting in, and I had my head squished between, well, the door and the roof.
  • SimonM83
    SimonM83 Posts: 22
    Hahaha. He also had a 'come-down' after a gym session. So with the rapid heart beat & weight-loss, shrinking cock, difficulty getting an erection, come-down. Sounds a lot like phet. Not something that you should be putting into your body.
  • You're thinking of Ephedrine.

    It's a performance enhancing stim that works in a similar way to caffeine but is way, way stronger and is popular in the Body Building world for fat burning and increasing intensity of a workout. You will get the feeling of being extremely wired.

    Most of it is synthetic now, known as HCL, and of mixed quality so it's always luck of the draw as to whether you get a good or bad batch.

    It's also related to Speed which will account for the shrinkage issues.

    The best form is the herbal form, NorEphedrine, which gives all of the positive effects with none of the side effects but is virtually impossible to get hold of.
    Chas Roberts - DOGSBOLX
  • stone-rose
    stone-rose Posts: 176
    a bodybuilder mate of mine use to take quite a lot of ephidrine some years ago, ended up having a bit of a problem with it in that he had to take it all the time (at work etc) to get around the comedown and to feel "alive" enough to get through the day. I tried it once or twice recreationally in my teens, and it's quite a good buzz, but the shrinkage issue was a big problem and put me off trying it again! :lol:
  • It's like any stimulant in that it causes andrenal fatigue with constant use over time so you need more and more to get the same effects and energy.

    Similar to those who drink alot of coffee and end up needing more to stay energised.
    Chas Roberts - DOGSBOLX