Resting on cars...

mask of sanity
mask of sanity Posts: 610
edited August 2009 in Road beginners
What's the etiquette(if there is any)/general opinion of resting on cars instead of unclipping at traffic lights? I don't do it myself but was just interested if anyone else does...

As someone who doesn't own a car I don't know how I'd feel having some lycra clad noob leaning on my car with their sweaty hands... :wink:



  • sods_law
    sods_law Posts: 161
    I love my car (I'm a bit of a petrol head and a cyclist 8) ) , and the first thing I would do is get out and check to see if you had scratched the paintwork... Not something I would even consider doing myself... :?
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    I wouldn't do it, and I'm speaking as a non car-owner. I wouldn't much like it if someone leaned on my bike for a rest!
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    It's uncessary and you're just asking for trouble.
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    Surely the etiquette is to not flippin' do it! I certainly wouldn't.

    I actually wouldn't mind if I was confident the car wouldn't be marked, but I would have trouble assuming that was the case so wouldn't be too happy. And in not minding, I think I'm in the minority.

    And if we absolutely have to unclip, it's not the end of the world, is it...?
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    If someone rested on our new shiny BMW, I'd get out and hit them. Hard.
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    Not when there's anyone in it!

    I found myself holding onto a parked pick up truck on the weekend whilst I waited for a couple of horses to negotiate the oncoming traffic - but the truck was empty - it's also a bit more of a utility vehicle than someone's gleaming new Porsche, for example.

    (Was also at just the right height!!)

    Don't do it when filtering in traffic mind...!
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    You're doing well Matt, yet another mention of your shiney new car in yet another thread :wink:
  • That's a resounding no then! Thought as much.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    If someone rested on our new shiny BMW, I'd get out and hit them. Hard.

    Yeah, that'd be a totally reasonable reaction.

    Anyhoo, I think it'd be quite hard to mark a car, but that's almost beside the point- it's other people's stuff, so I leave it alone just as I'd like others to leave my stuff alone.
  • Simonb256
    Simonb256 Posts: 880

    Pretty much demonstrates my feelings about it. I done it once by accident whilst having a SPD moment. That is the only circumstance I would find it ok (when you cant help it).
    "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." George Orwell - 1984
  • lastwords
    lastwords Posts: 304
    thats video is funny, revenge is sweet lol.

    I have never considered doing it and even though my landy is scratched really bad from driving down greenlanes i would still get very angry by the sheer cheek of someone doing it.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    You're obviously riding in the wrong places. Round here there are a few trees, or if you're lucky you might get to rest on a passing sheep.
  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    Not that I condone it, but it used to be the practice in Italy for many years, and I did that too. I especially remember when I was 15 and rested my arm on a brand new Toyota Supra, on the rear wing none the less.
    It used to be the case that bikes would not wait in line, but on the side at traffic lights, and pedals were a lot harder to clip into. A car driver would then know a cyclist was resting on his side (usually resting with the hand on the roof/door line) and would not accelerate until the cyclist had made a move.
    I wouldn't dream of doing it now, but it shows how times have changed.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    I've done it to a bus - I figured that the driver wouldn't be @rsed really.

    I won't do it again though - they fairly take off when the light changes (on amber too in this case!)

    I wouldn't do it with cars although the current "road safety practice" is to remove street furniture so those handy railing etc will be disapearing soon - and then i guess cars might be an option again - I hate unclipping.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    I use busses... wouldn't do a car though.

    Trackstanding is better. 8)
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    Yeah - it's the first time I've done it to be honest - just came up on the geegees and figured it was much more sensible to hold back and give them plenty of room.

    In traffic, commuting etc. I'd never do it, and have never had the urge to - for precisely the reasons given above - namely 1) what happens when they move off and 2) it's not my car!

    Need to learn proper trackstanding - I can only hold it for a few seconds at the moment - it's more like very slowly riding forwards than standing!
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    I used to do it all the time, then I learned to trackstand.

    Now I don't bother as i'm usually in the middle of the lane - i'd have to be beside a car to do it, which isn't practical for me.
  • skinson
    skinson Posts: 362
    If someone rested on our new shiny BMW, I'd get out and hit them. Hard.

    Typical BMW ( Taxi) driver responce....
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I use busses... wouldn't do a car though.

    Trackstanding is better. 8)
    Watching people trackstanding at lights is hilarious. Unlesss you can do it perfectly (I can't...) I wouldn't bother.
    I watched someone yesterday wobble and twisting this way and that, moving forwards all the time until he was almost in the middle of the crossroads.
    He then had to put his foot down anyway! :lol:
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    skinson wrote:
    If someone rested on our new shiny BMW, I'd get out and hit them. Hard.

    Typical BMW ( Taxi) driver responce....
    Where do you live?! No BMW taxi's round this way...
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    If someone rested on our new shiny BMW, I'd get out and hit them. Hard.

    Shouldn't you be out tail-gating someone whilst chatting on the mobile? :lol:
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    pickled wrote:
    I use busses... wouldn't do a car though.

    Trackstanding is better. 8)
    Watching people trackstanding at lights is hilarious. Unlesss you can do it perfectly (I can't...) I wouldn't bother.
    I watched someone yesterday wobble and twisting this way and that, moving forwards all the time until he was almost in the middle of the crossroads.
    He then had to put his foot down anyway! :lol:

    I wasn't riding yesterday...!?!?! :lol:
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • skinson
    skinson Posts: 362
    Err! Cologne....BMW's outsell ford mondeo's they are cl1toris cars...every tnuc has one.
  • sods_law
    sods_law Posts: 161
    skinson wrote:
    Err! Cologne....BMW's outsell ford mondeo's they are cl1toris cars...every tnuc has one.

    You sound like a nice guy :roll:
  • Only leant on a car once when getting used to SPDs, and wouldn't do it given the chance.

    Have to agree that BMW drivers (generally) are the worst breed of motorists. Most taxis my way are generally considerate, whilst the elderly still believe that a cyclist's top speed is 5mph.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    pickled wrote:
    I use busses... wouldn't do a car though.

    Trackstanding is better. 8)
    Watching people trackstanding at lights is hilarious. Unlesss you can do it perfectly (I can't...) I wouldn't bother.
    I watched someone yesterday wobble and twisting this way and that, moving forwards all the time until he was almost in the middle of the crossroads.
    He then had to put his foot down anyway! :lol:

    Sometimes i can do it motionlessly, but sometimes i can barely do it at all... I like getting compliments from the pretty girls when i'm doing it though, although i'm fairly sure they do it just to see if i fall off...
  • fishyweb
    fishyweb Posts: 173
    I'd never do it. But I love the utube link someone posted above! :lol:
    Member of - the greatest online affiliated running club
  • Woodchip
    Woodchip Posts: 205
    Simonb256 wrote:

    Pretty much demonstrates my feelings about it. I done it once by accident whilst having a SPD moment. That is the only circumstance I would find it ok (when you cant help it).
    Couldn't agree more.
    I have nothing more to say on the matter.
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    If it's not your car then don't do it.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    When I started on the longer commute I was guilty of such a ghastly deed. Got caught in the queue for some TLs and couldn't filter cause of a scaffold wagon so leant on the side with my shoulder as the workies were unloading the lorry. One of them spotted my misdeed and nudged his mate who asked if was alright, "yeah" I replied and pedaled off as the lights changed. If I was in bikey gear then it might have been different but at the time I was wearing a hi-viz bomber jacket so looked like any other construction worker.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.