Ladies Riding Group - Yorkshire???

lizziebb Posts: 4
edited August 2009 in MTB rides
My boyfriend got me into mountain biking but some weekends he rides with just the lads, I was wondering if there is a ladies biking group in the area.



  • DanielleT
    DanielleT Posts: 259

    Where abouts in yorkshire are you? I'm in East Yorks, well Hessle/Hull to be specific! I currently ride out with a group of blokes I met on the forum here ('Hull and Surrounding area...' thread). I really enjoy going out riding with them as they're a great bunch. However, it would be good to have some female company!

    I don't know if you where looking specifically for a womens group (as i'm not sure there is one?) but it would be good if there, or possibly create one if there are other like minded ladies out there?? I know I was talking to another lady who posted on here yesterday its a start!
    delightfully dangerous!
  • Hi,
    I'm in Leeds i'd be interested in meeting up as at the moment i'm not getting out enough.
    Will be away for a while as going away, will look out for any meet ups when i get back.
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    I'm definitley going to try and tag along on one of the rides in the next couple of weeks....
    but I'm always up for a girls ride too :)
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • So where an when will be the first meet? since we are keen to get out there. i'll be ok after the bank holiday.