CRS 0/Alliance for Cambridge to Berlin?

steveco Posts: 2
edited August 2009 in Tour & expedition
I'm cycling from Cambridge to Berlin and back, via Cologne and a ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland. We'll be hosteling and B&Bing it and intend to go very light on the luggage. We need to be averaging 60-70 miles a day.

I bought a Giant CRS 4.0 for running around town and cycling into work and have been having it serviced, etc by the same Giant dealership since. I've been training on this but obviously I need something better for the trip. I can get a good deal from the Bike to Work scheme and was hoping to go through the same dealership. I was considering the CRS 0 or CRS Alliance but the more I read the various topics on here the more I realise how naive and ill-informed I am on this subject and that I should be looking further afield and going for a dedicated tourer. I need to have an upright position to look after my back and neck.

I'm doing this for charity and intend to do longer rides at some point in the future. Would I be wasting my money buying either of these?

Any advice appreciated.
