Long Mynd

+paul Posts: 60
edited August 2009 in MTB rides
Went to the Mynd last Thursday, and stopped at the information centre in Church Stretton. They have a small route booklet for Mountain Bike Rides starting in Church Stretton written by Ian R Jones.

If, like me, you are going at relatively short notice, I can recommend this book - it cost £1.50, and as well as having 8 routes mapped out, the hand drawn maps are well detailed and allow for much more exploration of the Hill than just the Ordinance Survey map.

In the end I went up the forest tracks in the woods south of Minton Batch, across the top past Pole Bank, then down to All Stretton via the Bridleway and the Rough Road. Having spoken to another cyclist at Pole Bank who explained his plans for the day, I decided only once up and down was not enough, so returning to Church Stretton I rode up the Burway (well rode up most of it!). Passing Pole Bank again, I picked up the bridleway running down to Small Batch, where I was camping.

Great day, not too strenuous - OK for someone overweight and unfit like me! Best bit - letting go of the brakes down the Rough Road, and the final decent.

Total climb estimated at 600m, with about 23 miles on the trip computer. If Ian R Jones frequents this forum - thanks - great book!

I will return! :D


  • Glad you enjoyed yourself, I have the small leaflet obtained from the Information centre at the massive cost of 25P :lol: which shows all the PROW but i'll certainly look out for the book, at £1.50 it sounds like a steal.