england/ scotland trip

C-S-B Posts: 117
edited August 2009 in Tour & expedition
planning to cycle from Ireland to scotland soon and was just wondering what the policy on cycling on A roads is? Are they like motorways or more like Irish N roads.. ?

Thanks :wink:


  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386

    Scottish A roads are not motorways but some are dual carriageways.
    Some are downright dangerous for cyclists, the A90 for example.
    Then again, I ride quite a few that are perfectly safe.

    Best to figure out a route and we can give more specific advice.

    Watch out for the puddle after Belfast :lol:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • if you are planning to go from Gretna to Carlisle, the A74 is now motorway (redesignated M6). There is a new route which runs alongside the motorway. The new road isn't signed for Carlisle at the Gretna end but if you turn first right after the Gretna Chase Hotel there are signs for Carlisle further along the road. You can see the route on Google maps if you choose the 'walking' route.