recommend me a book for my hols about pro-cycling...

northernneil Posts: 1,549
edited August 2009 in Pro race
read the robert millar and lance ones,

will be taking marco pantani autobiography but will need a couple more to keep me sane stuck on a beach.

I am quite interested in the festina affair if there is a ood one about that ?

cheers in advance


  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Rough Ride is worth a read: ... 796&sr=8-1

    It's before festina, but very much about drugs in cycling.
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766

    Again, naf all to do with Festina and it's actually fiction, but a great read all the same.
  • hewg
    hewg Posts: 17
    It's ages since I read it so can't actually remember whether it's any good but if you want one about the Festina affair then there's Breaking the Chain by Willy Voet who was the Festina soigneur arrested with a boot full of EPO. Rough Ride by Paul Kimmage and Bad Blood by Jeremy Whittle are also worth a read if you're interested in reading more about doping in cycling.

    If you don't want to read exclusively about drugs then The Rider by Tim Krabbe, The Escape Artist by Matt Seaton, The Hour by Michael Hutchinson and The Flying Scotsman by Graeme Obree are all good reads I reckon.
  • Blazing Saddles.
  • Langman
    Langman Posts: 178
    The death of Marco Pantani, is the best cycling book I have read. The Robert Miller book is also very good. Rough Ride by Paul Kimmage was pretty ground breaking but not as good as the other 2 IMO.
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    Just finishing off 'Fallen Angel' the Fausto Coppi book. A really good and easy read. Before that i read 'Sex, Lies and Handlebar Tape' about Anquetil. Was a good read too.

    really enjoyed Cav's book too which surprised me.

    My next purchase for my upcoming holiday is 'A Dog In A Hat' by Joe Parker. That looks like a really good read.

    There's also 'Tomorrow We Ride' about Jean Bobet that Iain has recommended which i'll also be purchasing..
  • hewg wrote:
    It's ages since I read it so can't actually remember whether it's any good but if you want one about the Festina affair then there's Breaking the Chain by Willy Voet who was the Festina soigneur arrested with a boot full of EPO. Rough Ride by Paul Kimmage and Bad Blood by Jeremy Whittle are also worth a read if you're interested in reading more about doping in cycling.

    I think Breaking the chain is the only one about the festina affair, but its so short you will definately need another for a holiday.

    I think Bad Blood is the best doping related book and would definately go well with Breaking the chain.
    FCN: 8

    "This is what hydrogen does given space and 13 billion years"
  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    edited August 2009
    +1 for A Dog in a Hat by Joe Parker. Due to the fact my first pro jersey in the early 90's was a Tulip Computers one, I followed the team quite closely. Talk about a way to blow away all the ideas you had about your childhood heroes!

    Boy Racer is an interesting read, I'll let you make up your own mind on Cav after reading it.

    Put Me Back on my Bike is a good read.

    I found the first half of the Secret Life of Marco Pantani difficult to get into because there were so many people involved in Pantani's early career I kept having to go back to remind myself who was who! Maybe it is better read as a holiday book when you can spend more than 15-20 mins at a time reading it.

    Not pro race but The Rider by Tim Krabbé and The Escape Artist: Life from the Saddle by Matt Seaton are good cycling books
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,481
    It's Joe Parkin, not Parker! But I agree, a great book, although it takes about an hour to read.
  • I asked for some recommendations & got quite a good response here.

    Of the ones I've read so far, I think Mark Cavendish's autobiography has been the best. The style & the structure made quite a straight forward story very entertaining. By contrast I found Moore's Millar book about a fascinating subject very difficult to read.
  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    andyp wrote:
    It's Joe Parkin, not Parker! But I agree, a great book, although it takes about an hour to read.

    :oops: reminder to self....must read what I copy and paste!
  • +1 for Bad Blood, brings everything together on the subject of doping in cycling up to Rasmussen (i think?)

    Also, not strictrly about pro cycling but still bloody good. French Revolutions by Tim Moore, it's a travel book but it's incredibly funny abouty a nocvice who cycles the route of the Tour. For anyone that's read it I especially like the way he says when he hears someone coming when he's struggling up a hill he contorts his face into the calmest it can get!
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Anything by Matt Rendell - the Death of Marco Pantani is probably the best and most depressing book about pro cycling, period.
    I've just read Boy Racer but it's a long way short of the best.
    French Revolutions is a light-hearted laugh.
    In Search of a Robert Millar is a good read too.
    The Escape Artist or the Rider are well written too.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Yorkman
    Yorkman Posts: 290
    Push yourself just a little bit more - Johnnie Green.

    Excellent insight into the Tour.
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    Three Men on the Bummel - Jerome K Jerome

    Put Me Back on My Bike and/or Fallen Angel - W. Fotheringham

    For Festina affair: Breaking the Chain - Willy Voet

    If you race: The Rider - Tim Krabbe is great, otherwise I'd avoid it.

    Not cycling but a good sports read is My father and other working class football heros by Gary Imlach.

    For some reason most cycling related books are incredibly short, if you read at any decent pace you could probably get through most of them in one holiday.
  • Greggyr
    Greggyr Posts: 1,075
    +1 for The Escape Artist and the Krabbe book.

    I have had Boy Racer since launch, but only just started it...Now I can't put it down...Brad Wiggin's book is worth a read too...

  • Langman
    Langman Posts: 178
    Oh I forgot the Flying Scotsman is also a very good read.
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Long Ride For A Pie by Tim Mulliner. New Zealander living in London gets homesick and decides to cycle home. The story of his 14-month ride halfway round the world. If it doesn't make you want to get out on your bike, nothing will.

    Funnily enough, French Revolutions started me off on cycle touring. "If HE can do it..." :lol:
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Another vote for "A Dog in a Hat." Very entertaining, but also quite short.
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    You say you read the Lance one, but was it the one by Dan Coyle? Because it's the only honest, eye-opening one out there. It's honest in both directions. It doesn't just trash lance and it doesn't just worship him, it's very well researched and balanced. And the revelation about Carmichael vs Ferrari is amazing. ... 0060734973

    I'd also recommend "23 Days in July" by John Wilcockson.
  • Kings of the mountains by Matt Rendel - one of the best researched books I've read.

    The Hour by Micheal Hutchinson.
    \'You Come At the King,You Best Not Miss\'
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Have a read of the second blog...
  • Angus444
    Angus444 Posts: 141
    "Team On The Run", by John Deering.

    The Story of the Linda McCartney Racing Team from 1998 to 2001......a great read...well written, and ideal for a holiday.

    I read The Death Of Marco Pantani on holiday last year. It was heavy going....difficult to remember exactly who all the characters were, and also knowing that it was not going to end '......and they all lived happily ever after.....'
  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    In Search of Robert Millar by Richard Moore

    The Rider by Tim Krabbe

    - 2 of my favourites
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    cheers chaps, loves like the cav one and bad blood for me then, the rider sounds interesting but I have already done:-
    breaking the chain - very revealing
    french revolutions - very funny
    rough ride - honest

    on previous holidays but much appreciated thanks
  • I read "Dog in a Hat" when i went Vanuatu (got a stomach bug wasnt pretty), was a really funny book. It has stuff abou doping in it but its not really what the books about, apparently his writting another one about his American Racing experience's after he left europe.

    Im reading Bad Blood now which is intresting.
    Take care of the luxuries and the necessites will take care of themselves.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    The Hour by Micheal Hutchinson.

    I'll add another recommendation for this one.
    Twitter: @RichN95
    JAGGY Posts: 167
    Not Pro cycling but Mark Beaumont. The Man Who Cycled the World. Excellent. You will not put it down.
  • Roule Britannia - William Fotheringham

    Bikie (A Love Affair With The Racing Bicycle) - Charlie Woods
    Let's close our eyes and see what happens