Bikes and Hotels

mgcycleguy Posts: 292
edited August 2009 in Tour & expedition
Do hotels generally mind you keeping your bike in your room overnight ?

... I've got a week booked off next week, don't really fancy touring as such, so was thinkng of booking a hotel for a couple of nights in a nice location, and just riding around the area in the day... stopping in the hotel overnight.

... I'm not that keen on keeping my best bike in the car overnight though for security reasons.

... thanks in advance for any feedback...

(ps... I have already a bike bag that covers up the drive train and rear wheel, and a front wheel bag, for when im transporting the bike in the car)


  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    It depends on the hotel in my experience, a quick check when you book usually helps. I've never had any trouble at your travelodge type affair as long as the bike isn't dripping etc. Smaller hotels and B&Bs I've often had the bike locked in the owners garage. Some places will not live with it, check before booking is the key.
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • culverwood
    culverwood Posts: 256
    As Mr W says there is usually somewhere to put your bikes from the garage to meeting rooms, unused corridors etc. I have never had to keep it in my room yet in at least 50+ hotels
  • mgcycleguy
    mgcycleguy Posts: 292
    ... thanks for advice guys.... I'll give my chosen hotel victim a call before booking to be on the safe side, ... just need to work out where to go now.... lol

    thanks again..
  • synchronicity
    synchronicity Posts: 1,415
    I wouldn't store my bike in any hotel garage. Too dark & deserted for my liking.

    I usually recommend to my clients that they store their bikes in the hotel's luggage room.
    It's is much more appropriate & safer place. They'll usually be fine with you locking it up to something in there, and the room is often under lock and key anyway.

    If it's not, then depending on the hotel, the guest can argue that it isn't secure enough & you may be able to store it in your room. Of course, it all depends on the concierge and whether he or she is an eagle-eye. Some of them are a bit like Nazis. If you have to ask for the key at reception and/or go with them, then it's generally ok.

    If it's a good 5 star hotel, they'll do their best to please you either way...

    What I have noticed is that the very best 5 star luxury hotels do not like the idea of sweaty riders & bikes clunking about in their main hotel foyeur entrance. Maybe this is different in Mallorca, but here in Tenerife, one or two of them won't even let me wheel a perfectly clean rental bike through the main entrance to deliver it. So if you can, it's always better to enter from the side. And if in doubt, ask reception staff about their bike policy. :wink:
  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    It's impossible to make generalisations here. The garage of a small country hotel is going to be very different from a large hotel.

    In my experience, the best bets are small motel-style hotels where you are on the ground floor and have your own entrance. On the other hand, taking a bike up in a small lift is not really going to be a runner.
  • TomF
    TomF Posts: 494
    IME, I tgend to get away with it, either by being brazen or by explaining that the bike is very valuable.

    I've had no quesitons asked at the Brussels Hilton, and equally been prevented at the Ibis in Arras a week after being allowed to in the same hotel.

    If you can make arrangements in advance, that's great. Equally, if you need to store it elsewhere, make sure you take a decent lock with you.