Glucosamine & Chondroitin?

Posts: 863
getting a few aches and pains in the old joints and i believe that this MAY help a little.
Question is are there any better brands than others or are they all much of a muchness?
Question is are there any better brands than others or are they all much of a muchness?
{insert smartarse comment here}
From what I gathered, as long as it's got enough Glucosamine, it's fine. Just get the cheapest you can.
I've had an as yet undiagnosed knee injury for some time now. All I know is that it was some kind of soft-tissue trauma, and that fluid was collecting on the knee. I couldn't walk for about 3 weeks, and I still struggle to walk for more than about 10 minutes at a time.
Since I started taking super-strength glucosamine though, things have clearly started getting better. I can walk upstairs using both legs instead of using my left leg only, one step at a time.
I can also cycle again, and am starting to get some real strength returning.
Bear in mind though, that it took about a week for any noticeable effect, in my instance.0 -
so what strength ones are you taking?{insert smartarse comment here}0
they're 1500mg one a day ones from Boots.
I never bother with more expensive brands, apart from Solpadeine pain killers. Their fizzy soluble ones always seem to hit the mark much much faster than any other cheaper brand.0 -
My surgeon got me on these some years back tho' I cant say I really noticed a difference between periods of taking them and not.
there was an article in new scientist about a year ago based on a large formal study that said that there was little difference from the placebo group... yep found it
but worth giving those a shot and perhaps the fish oil anyway and seeing if it does anything. I remember reading somewhere that it can take up to 3 months of use before you start to notice anything - if still nothing then its probably not going to do you any good.
And yeah - just pay attention to the actual dosage when chosing between brands.
good luck anyway0 -
Hmm, that's odd, but interesting.
I'm usually accutely on the lookout for any placebo like effects when taking such things, especially when they're not prescribed.
But I swear after around 7 to 10 days, my knee started showing a much better rate of recovery.
it could well be a coincidence I guess, but for the time being I'm going to keep taking them, just in case. As far as I know, they won't cause any harm.0 -
been using gluco for about 3 months, when i come off it, my knees hurt, go back on ( after 5 days) the pain goes
so what gives?
i cant swallow the huge tablets, so use "Optima Activejuice" " juice for joints" its a orange cordialGiant Trance X0 (08) Reverb, Hope Hoops 5.1D, XT brakes, RQ BC, Works Components headset 1.50 -
I've been taking Glucosomine for years now, I get it mail order from the Channel Islands. I developed rice crispy knee crunch syndrome (sorry can't remember the medical name
) and had to pack in running for a while. I'm convinced the gluco has helped enormously (but can't prove it). I also take anti inflams when neccesary. Biking is a lot easier on the joints than running and touch wood I'm getting pretty fit again without much knee pain and loving my mtb'ing. Apparently it takes at least 3 months before any advantage (repair to damaged joints/ arthritis etc.) is noticed. But I keep taking them all the time. But only take anti inflams as and when.
Steve (56 and a born again biker)0 -
Im sure I read somewhere that condroitin is required for the maximum absorbtion of glucosimine :?:0
Not all it's cracked up to be.
Better solution is to introduce some good fats into your diet such as Fish Oil, Hemp Oil, Coconut Oil and Avocado Oil.
Overall diet will also play it's part with animal fats from meat and dairy being the main cause while consuming plenty of green veg is a good counter measure and should be high on your shopping list regardless.
Lastly don't forget that consuming alcohol can increase joint pain as it can increase the concentrations of Uric Acid in the blood which is then deposited inbetween joints causing pain. Uric Acid is the main cause of Gout.Chas Roberts - DOGSBOLX0 -
I take it for joint problems associated with hyper-laxity (double jointed). I just use boots own brand and it seems to do the trick.I ride like a girl
Start: 16.5.x Now: 14.10.8 Goal: 11.7.x
Specialized HardRock Pro Disc 040 -
Glucosamine works a lot better with chondroitin, usually takes few weeks to c benefit. In simple terms it works by helping the existing articular cartilage. It promotes the uptake of water into existing cartilageand hels make it more spongy
Best from zipvit place its cheapest in bulk. Add cod liver oil 89p a mth, old dears with arthritis swear by it even tho no evidence, also help protect against lots of other ailmentsCouple of 5 spots, a hummer and a handjob.....0