Rhine Route

ben0v Posts: 13
edited August 2009 in Tour & expedition

Im thinking about flying to Basel and cycling up the Rhine to Hook of Holland and then back to London.

Anyone done this trip? Any toptips appreciated.



  • mandie
    mandie Posts: 218
    Keep the river on your left and you should be ok.
    I havent donet he full trip but as far as I can gather from the bits that I have done there is trafic free well surfaced cycle route almost all the way. Pedestrians can be a bit of a problem in some areas.
    We\'ll kick against the darkness \'till it bleeds daylight
  • Gotte
    Gotte Posts: 494
    I can only comment on the Rhine from Basel to Friburg (we did a circular route from Stuttgart, through the Schwartzwald a couple of years ago). It's great country, well, after you get out of Switzerland, and get past Weil. The route can be a bit rougher than your average German radweg. in patches we found it eroded to sand, but never unmanagable. It's a good ride, though, flat and easy - well, so long as there's no headwind and driving rain. We were lucky and got 80 deg sun.
    Go to Freiburg, if you have the time. No better city in the area.
  • I live in Frankfurt and have cycled a bit around Germany, including the Rhine over the last few years. I agree with the comments above - the Rhine route is flat, easy and ...well...a little bit dull for a large part

    If you stick with the general route of heading south to north, there is some much more interesting cycling along the Rhine, but not actuall ON the Rhine. eg cycling Winestrasse in Rhineland Pfalz is great. Freiberg too as Gotte mentions. And Heidelberg is an absolute World-class must. And Speyer rocks too

    Going north of Mainz,. there is the Rhine Gorge and Rheingau (wine growing region) ON the river.

    So i guess probably just make a few interesting detours from the Rhine to avoid getting bored with flat riveryness