Midweek Biking Buddies - Telford/Wrekin Area

Shropshire-Will Posts: 7
edited August 2009 in MTB rides
Looking for a mid-week biking buddy in the Telford/Wrekin Area.

Can't face going to the Gym, would prefer to do some cross-country instead. Work in Shrewsbury, so can bike from their too. Live a short distance from the Wrekin.



  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,217
    There is a few of us!

    I am at Llandegla tonnight if thats any use?
  • D'oh, would have been interested but already at work minus bike.
    Would like to be kept in the loop though if thats okay.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Posts: 26
    I live in the Shrewsbury area and go biking nearby my and a mate take trips all over but I don't have a car so it local trips for me if your interested though...
  • Sounds good to me. I work next to the Abbey, so Shrewsbury riding is good for me.
    I've been to Haughmond Hill a few times after work. Happy to cycle anywhere.
  • I go out with matt to lengedla when I can but work has been busy. I live in leegomery so it would be good to meet up. Maybe a thrash around the Wrekin when your back from work. I am hopingto be out this weekend around the Wrekin if your. Interested.
  • Would be up for a blast around the Wrekin on Monday at 6:30ish if interested.....
  • 6:30 will be fine for me. Shall we meet at the wickets pub?
  • kez303
    kez303 Posts: 6
    alrite ther chaps, i live in shrewsbury 2

    im selling my cannondale prophet if anyone is intrested, for £400


  • Soz, Haven't replied sooner, been away this weekend.

    Which Wickets? There's one in Wellington & Dawley according to google.
  • Meet at the wickets in Wellington if that is ok. It's the pub on the B5061 (the of A5). I live in leegomery so it's on the way to the wrekin.

    See you later
  • message received
  • JPike
    JPike Posts: 1
    I'm also from shrewsbury and have ridden the Wrekin a few times in the last few weeks.

    I'm definately up for some cross country riding with anyone who wants to get out and about. Haven't been biking for 2 years, before this month, so I'm not in the best level of fitness, but I'll try and keep up with you guys:P

    I'd be up for a rides around Shropshire and shrewsbury if anyone else is.

    Contact me on MSN or email @ jamespike@hotmail.com