bugsrabbit Posts: 182
This is my first posting on this forum so hello to every one. i found this a while ago in my local paper and as sponsored rides go i think this is well worth the effort ! ...


  • davelakers
    davelakers Posts: 762
    Its a decent distance but it depends what route they take as to whether it will be a nice experience. If its A6 and A591 all the way it will be horrible!!
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    I ride from just outside of Preston to Windermere frequently and my scenic route is 71 miles, I would be very surprised if a 56 mile route was able to avoid A6 / A591.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    I'm going to ride from Wirral to Grasmere in a few weeks time on holiday, Mrs is following on in the car later in the day so we'll both get there roughly the same time. Any local knowledge is appreciated in choosing a sensible route from the Preston to Grasmere leg!
  • bugsrabbit
    bugsrabbit Posts: 182
    I believe the initial route was going to be the A6, which you rightly say is just boring, but another route towards Glasson dock was being considered. Either way Lancaster is a nightmare.
  • Why not pootle up the lanes west of the A6 for a bit then follow the Lancs Cycleway from where it crosses the A6 near Cockerham, through Caton and up to Over Kellett, then up the Lune Valley to Rigmaden (north of Kirkby Lonsdale), through Old Hutton etc, through Kendal then through the Lyth Valley up to Windemere?
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    I was thinking something like this link to map
  • depends how much longer than the main road way you want to go - you've still got a fair bit of A6 in there.

    If you follow your route up the b5272 to just before Cockerham then cut off right through Bay Horse and up to Quernmore. Follow lanes through to Caton then cross the Lune and go up to Over Kellet. Then you can follow the B6254 all the way to Kendal. Then you can go through Underbarrow and Crosthwaite on lovely little lanes, then for a fab finish go across Windermere on the ferry (just south of Bowness - shows as B5285 on the map) then Hawkshead, Outgate, Skelwith Bridge and over Red Bank to Grasmere.

    That'd be a challenging and pretty lumpy way to go, but not much traffic and some fantastic scenery - plus you get to go on the ferry!!
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    this is my part of the country!

    defintely possible to do it without hardly touching the A6 but it'll obviously add miles to the route.

    We sometimes do Garstang-Keswick-Garstang as a two dayer, with Kirkstone Pass on the first day, and an easier - and almost completely different - route back on the second. This could easily be adapted to end up in Windermere instead.
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    This is the basics of my usual route (have tried quite a few), avoids A6 apart from a few hundred yards, takes in some nice scenery and whilst not flat its not daft hilly:

    Broughton (North of M6 junc 32)
    Keep on lanes hugging east side of M6
    Cross over M6 to the east of Garstang
    Follow lanes west of M6 to Scorton
    Re cross M6 and to crossroads near Street
    Turn left keeping west of Dolphinholme
    Right at cross roads heading towards Brow Top
    Follow this road all the way to Caton
    Turn left onto A683 for 200 yards
    Turn right to Crook o Lune
    Through Halton heading uphill at roundabout
    Cross M6 and keep parralell on west side
    Re cross M6 and head into Nether Kellet
    Left soon after Lime Burners Arms
    Head through centre of Carnforth past railwaiy station
    Skirt Warton and follow coastal road to Silverdale
    Keep to coast and head through Arnside towards Milnthorpe
    Just prior to Milnthorpe take left at bridge onto Cumbrian cycleway
    and follow (including left/right) to A6 south of Levens
    Short stretch of A6 and left A590
    Right of 590 signed Levens village
    Head through Levens, Brigsteer, Underbarrow to Crook
    Here I head left to Bowness, you could do the same and follow
    A591 to Grasmere (shortest route but busy roads) or follow
    Andy from Embsy route above, though Red Bank would be
    a challenge for most after the ride up!

    Could probably supply a gpx. file of route if any use.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Solis wrote:
    massive list of directions snipped

    Could probably supply a gpx. file of route if any use.

    Or you could simply go to Google maps and draw out the route there, it's dead easy. Get directions from the start point to the end, then drag and drop the route around until it matches your intended route. Finally, click on 'Link' near the top right and copy the link and paste it here, just like I did further up the thread. Much easier to share that out as you can visualise it better :)
    Thanks for the directions though!
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Here you go, I've put that into a Google Map, looks like a nice route, thanks for the help :)

    Map link

  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    Close! I have (hopefully !) amended route to match mine, changes at Inglewhite (better road) Silverdale you would have missed the most scenic leg of the route (also note diversion in Silverdale down to beach, well worth 5 minutes extra) and arriving at Bowness (my route takes you in by the Lake). Also worth noting a good refreshment stop on the car park at Crook o Lune!

    <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_d&amp;saddr=A551/Arrowe+Park+Rd&amp;daddr=Longley+Ln+to:Bilsborrow+Ln+to:Lodge+Rd+to:Parkhead+Ln+to:The+Square+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Bay+Horse+Rd+to:Low+Rd+to:Foundry+Ln+to:Shore+Rd+to:Silverdale+Rd+to:Unknown+road+to:Marsh+Rd+to:Unknown+road+to:Brigsteer+Rd+to:Parkend+Ln+to:B5284+to:54.354856,-2.923393+to:Grasmere,+Ambleside,+Cumbria,+UK&amp;geocode=FdowLgMdFN_Q_w;FbU-NQMd7cPW_w;Fa7FNQMdusbW_w;FbIJNgMdhifW_w;FcWMNgMdxS_W_w;FUT1NgMdfuPV_w;FaRkNwMd1k_W_w;FdKiNwMdONnV_w;FbJSOAMd2j7W_w;FYwgOQMd1VTW_w;FWY3OQMd35PV_w;FVaFOgMdOMvU_w;FZoJOwMdRL_U_w;FUBSOwMdsj_V_w;FQhuOwMdi4HV_w;FVbLOwMd0IXV_w;FVAePAMdOXrV_w;FbKBPAMdikvV_w;FRphPQMdTxfU_w;;FW37PgMdQtfR_w&amp;hl=en&amp;mra=dpe&amp;mrcr=0&amp;mrsp=19&amp;sz=13&amp;via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19&amp;dirflg=h&amp;sll=54.344951,-2.911034&amp;sspn=0.044227,0.081882&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=54.344951,-2.911034&amp;spn=0.044227,0.081882&amp;output=embed&quot;&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;&lt;br /><small><a href=";source=embed&amp;saddr=A551/Arrowe+Park+Rd&amp;daddr=Longley+Ln+to:Bilsborrow+Ln+to:Lodge+Rd+to:Parkhead+Ln+to:The+Square+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Bay+Horse+Rd+to:Low+Rd+to:Foundry+Ln+to:Shore+Rd+to:Silverdale+Rd+to:Unknown+road+to:Marsh+Rd+to:Unknown+road+to:Brigsteer+Rd+to:Parkend+Ln+to:B5284+to:54.354856,-2.923393+to:Grasmere,+Ambleside,+Cumbria,+UK&amp;geocode=FdowLgMdFN_Q_w;FbU-NQMd7cPW_w;Fa7FNQMdusbW_w;FbIJNgMdhifW_w;FcWMNgMdxS_W_w;FUT1NgMdfuPV_w;FaRkNwMd1k_W_w;FdKiNwMdONnV_w;FbJSOAMd2j7W_w;FYwgOQMd1VTW_w;FWY3OQMd35PV_w;FVaFOgMdOMvU_w;FZoJOwMdRL_U_w;FUBSOwMdsj_V_w;FQhuOwMdi4HV_w;FVbLOwMd0IXV_w;FVAePAMdOXrV_w;FbKBPAMdikvV_w;FRphPQMdTxfU_w;;FW37PgMdQtfR_w&amp;hl=en&amp;mra=dpe&amp;mrcr=0&amp;mrsp=19&amp;sz=13&amp;via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19&amp;dirflg=h&amp;sll=54.344951,-2.911034&amp;sspn=0.044227,0.081882&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=54.344951,-2.911034&amp;spn=0.044227,0.081882&quot; style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    Oh Dear! dodgy once I have copied HTML link obviously I should be doing more than just Paste into message?
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Hehe, looks like you copied and pasted the embedded code instead of the IM / Email option. Thanks for trying for me, here it is Link to improved map

  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    Bang on there Dave, nice route if you decide to take it.
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    good work Dave. An alternative version would be when you cross the Lune at the Crook-o-Lune, instead of heading to Halton, turn right and head out towards the Red Well Inn, on the B6254, then turn left towards Capernwray, Borwick, Yealand Conyers. Hillier but some good views.

    I'd also suggest going via Oakenclough and over Harris End Fell, instead of via Scorton, unless you plan for a brew stop at the Priory cafe on Scorton.... 8)

    see link to alternative version
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Cheers for that fella :) Really looking forward to this ride now, will be roughly 110 miles, I plan to meet Mrs Dodgy in Tweedies bar in Grasmere for a few, I will have earned them i reckon!
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    Cannot argue with maddog the alternatives both of which I sometimes use are probably more scenic but certainly add more climbing, not knowing you I was trying to strike a sensible medium! Just a throw away but if it was me I would go by the weather - if its a nice day with little wind or a south or east wind would probably opt for maddog options if I was feeling good, if weather not great and or a decent north or west wind I would probably opt for the original plan. Either way have a great ride and post your thoughts on the route.

    Oh one other thing if you realy have your climbing legs on you could avoid Bowness and much of the worst stretch of the 591 by turning right at Crook then taking the left to Staveley (calling in at Wheelbase and or Wilfs cafe) on to Ings via cyclepath alongside 591 right turn over to Kirkstone pass the either Troutbeck - Troutbeck Bridge back to 591 or cycle up Kirkstone and left at the Inn down the Struggle to Ambleside..... either of these would gurantee you would be ready for a beer by Grasmere :lol:
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    thanks for the help chaps, lots of stuff to take on board there (not my thread so sorry for hi-jack, hopefully it's given the OP some info too!). Agreed on striking right balance between climbing and miles. If I have a southerly windy, i'll be getting a bit more ambitious, otherwise I'll probably try to avoid some of the climbing. I'll plot the route in Mapsource and upload it to my Garmin Edge 705, it would be useful if you could select an option based on preferences for designing routes in Mapsource of the web-based ones, something like 'optimise for less or more climbing' . I know I can faff about by trial and error, but it's laborious if you don't know the area.

    When I go I might use or Nokia Sporttstracker so you can all watch me real time ;)
  • bugsrabbit
    bugsrabbit Posts: 182
    DODGY, you can hijack this thread all you like! it's nice just to have a bit of feedback.After all it's not my ride i'm just trying to do my bit for charity. :D
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    I've done a bit more work on the route recently, I've zoomed in on some of the main roads in Google Satellite view and excluded any that looked obviously fast/busy, except those where I could see a cycle path to the side (surprisingly easy to spot).
    I still haven't decided on whether or not to cross Windermere on the ferry, so when I get there I'll decide based on how long the next ferry is and how I'm feeling, because the route on the other side of the lake is slightly more hilly.
    Looking forward to it now, I have to leave by 6:20am in order to get through the Liverpool tunnel before 7am :shock: I have a scheduled stop roughly halfway at the Priory Tea Rooms in Scorton (anyone know it?), then I'll press on to Grasmere, planning on an average of 17mph but there is a strong westerly wind forecast which might ruin the party a bit :cry:
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    I know the Priory 8)

    It's run by Gary and Julie. Gary's a cyclist and Julie's brother is a cyclist and I ride with him quite a bit.
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Ah good, safe to leave my bike outside while I nip in for a tea and cake? It's what I usually do at the Eureka on the Wirral, but would hate to have my bike stolen halfway to Grasmere!
  • They have a load of chains and locks outside the priory cafe, so it should be fine. There will be plenty of lads in there so ask around, you might get some company up towards the lakes.Just come back from a week in the lakes, you need to get out early mornings or after 6.30 pm, very busy roads full of old buggers lookin at the veiw and not the roads. :roll:
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    Pity your ride wasn't last Saturday Dodgy, did it myself in blazing sunshine :D including the minor detour down to the beach in Silverdale which you should do if the weather is decent. Will be heading up again tomorrow but 4 wheels rather than 2 but will probably cycle back on Monday.

    Re the ferry your worst case wait would be 20 minutes and that's assuming you were unlucky enough just to miss it.

    Have a good ride.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Thanks chaps, weather isn't looking the best but I'm going for it anyway.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Back now, came home early as the weather was attrocious in the Lakes! The ride up on Saturday will count in my top ten cycling experiences, I had a strong westerly wind all the way but I coped with it pretty well. Thanks for all the help here, the route I ended up taking was spectacular and pretty much car free in many places. I arrived in Grasmere after just over 6 hours and it started to rain just after Windermere, 105 miles in complete dry and sunshine and the heavens open just as I arrive! The rain hasn't stopped since so we called it a day and came home early.

    110 miles, roughly 4000 feet of climbing (not much considering the length of the route) at an average speed of 16.9mph. The average speed dropped a lot once I started crossing into the Lakes (not surprisingly. It really is quite an odd feeling to cycle a long way to somewhere you're familiar with, all the roads inbetween were new to me because I would normally just go up the M6 in the car.

    Thanks again.
  • A very interesting thread.

    My son actually works in the Dale Lodge Hotel, of which Tweedies is a part.

    My wife took him back one Sunday in June and asked what I was going to do. I said, "I'll see there".

    With it being a bit of an impromptu thing I just went straight up the A59 and A6 then the Lyth Valley road to Windermere. Lancaster wasn’t much fun, I punctured there and because I didn’t know any better used the Greyhound Bridge, even early on a Sunday morning it’s a nightmare. It was 94.5 miles with 3550 ft of climbing starting from Liverpool.

    I’d be interest if you have a GPX of your route.