Killer driver on the loose in Cheshire

Mettan Posts: 2,103
edited August 2009 in The bottom bracket
Caution - avoid Chester area :shock: ... shire.html


  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    U - n - b - e - l - e - i - v - a - b - l - e.

    Surely a very senior police officer can get involved with this? Perhaps they could wire up the riders with discreet surveillance/helmet cams and use unmarked cars with HD cameras along the route as this nutter is clearly targetting these club riders and will soon kill riders unless he is put away. Surely this is now very high priority?

    Surely the force helicopter would have been deployed if the copper was present and witnessed the incident?

    Stingers? Burst his chav tyres :lol: .

    Why can't the police just seize the car and have it crushed?

    Or torched.......preferably with the scrote inside it :twisted:

    How about the witnesses in the chippy that it is alleged this nutter has been bragging to about terrifying and trying to knock down cyclists, surely they can identify him?

    And you thought the police were indifferent to offences against cyclists but the CPS really take the biscuit. Reading CPS dropped a case against a driver who killed a cyclist as he said he didn't see them. It is impossible to fight beurocratic incompetence and indfference. In the mean time cyclists might die. The CPS are being idiotic and their response to this is inadequte - simply pathetic. Good on the copper for speaking out. Bang goes his career if he isn't knocked down by this idiot first.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • mgcycleguy
    mgcycleguy Posts: 292
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves
  • Infamous
    Infamous Posts: 1,130
    That's about 10 minutes away from me...
  • discurio
    discurio Posts: 118
    how is it they can issue a speeding ticket from a camera to a motorcyclist who cannot be identified because of helmet etc and nothing can be done about this. :shock:
    I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    No they don't.
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    Hmmm DEFINE "Civilised"
    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @

    Twittering @spen_666
  • spen666 wrote:
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    Hmmm DEFINE "Civilised"

    "Excuse me old chap. One is terribly sorry about this but one is afraid that one has to punish you quite severly for your insensible actions"
    Then turn away, walk 10 paces, turn back to the cad, aim your pistol and fire. Pass pistol to butler, walk back to bicycle and pedal off to local mens club for cigar, snooker and port.

    Thats civilised.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    spen666 wrote:
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    Hmmm DEFINE "Civilised"

    "Excuse me old chap. One is terribly sorry about this but one is afraid that one has to punish you quite severly for your insensible actions"
    Then turn away, walk 10 paces, turn back to the cad, aim your pistol and fire. Pass pistol to butler, walk back to bicycle and pedal off to local mens club for cigar, snooker and port.

    Thats civilised.

    No it's not
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,292
    I am on that road 2 - 4 times a week!

    Only talking to the wife about carrying better ID at the w.end............
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    "Are you feeling lucky....punk!"
    "Well..... are you?"

    Dirty Harry of course.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    he should be dragged from his car and 'necklaced' the tw@ :evil:
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    I was the vicitm of a hit and run incident not long ago - not cycling - I was on foot. it was lunchtime on a busy junction in the cnetre of London. Possibly hundreds of people saw it happen. an ambulance was called. I managed to get the name and address of two witnesses, both insisted they'd seen it all happen, very clearly. One of the witnesses was an off-duty policeman. And we had the number plate of the car that had hit me

    A while later I got a letter from the police saying that the CPS wouldn't prosecute due to issues witht he witnesses, but they sent me the name and address of the perpetrator so I could bring about a private prosecution.

    I was not in a position to bring about a private prosecution, so I let the whole thing drop. But what the hell do you have to do to get a driver prosecuted these days?
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277

    Criminals Protection Service


    ooohh! ive gone all Daily Heil!!
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • Red Rock
    Red Rock Posts: 517
    I don't get it, if he drove past a speed camera in excess of the limit he'd get done, but if he runs a cyclist down he won't get done. They've got enough evidence so what's their problem. They should charge him and crush his car. This just makes me mad :evil:
  • LittleB0b
    LittleB0b Posts: 416
    As a girl prone to laziness and indecency i love this quote
    If that happens, that blood will be on their hands.
 "As a police officer, I despair that four decent, hard-working, tax-paying members of the community can all provide detailed, expansive witness statements yet the CPS can’t be bothered to put the matter before the court.

    I do pay my taxes though
  • mgcycleguy
    mgcycleguy Posts: 292
    iainment wrote:
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    No they don't.

    ... yes we do.. it is the first responsiblity of any govenement to protect its citizens, I defer to the authorities to protect me and my property... if they are nolonger able or capable or willing to do so... then I will have to take back fully that responsibilty. You have a right to self defence.
  • vitesse169
    vitesse169 Posts: 422
    After 21yrs of dealing with CPS I dispair. They are unaccountable which makes them untouchable. It was oft said that if you pay peanuts you get a monkey, some of the jobs I've had at court that they wanted to cave in on, we have held a trial and won. Seems that if they want to offer no evidence - they do and leave it...
  • some one needs to go to this guys house and give him a kicking, have the police even looked into it as doing things like this is not natural surely he must have mental health problems
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    I am still a little confused as to why the police think they need to involve the CPS and court to get him and his vehicle off the road? Surely they have exisitng powers to act and given the incidents so far, that his vehicle has been indentified on several occasions they can pay him a visit sh1t him up, write to him asking him to provide the name of the driver on the ocassions in question. The car has not been reported stolen and he appears to be the sole registered keeper and the only insured to drive. Seize it and crush it. As he is a chav I'm sure a full vehicle inspection would reveal some serious defects or modifications he has not disclosed to his insurer. I don't get why he is stil driving around? The police can make his life very difficult if they so wish but they don't seem to be - why? Maybe they are I don't know.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • The CPS are just the worst. My ex sister in law was crushed to death under the wheels of a bus. Despite CCTV footage on the bus passenger statements etc.. They messed up by using a professional person to collaborate some of the evidene without disclosing him to the defence. Resulting in the driver getting away with it scot free when he should have been going to prison for death by dangerous driving :evil:
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    The CPS are just the worst. My ex sister in law was crushed to death under the wheels of a bus. Despite CCTV footage on the bus passenger statements etc.. They messed up by using a professional person to collaborate some of the evidene without disclosing him to the defence. Resulting in the driver getting away with it scot free when he should have been going to prison for death by dangerous driving :evil:

    You pay peanuts you get monkeys. In the legal world working for the CPS is akin to voluntary work. All the sharp legal minds are in the City firms screwing millions out of companies and high value clients and dreaming up ever more elaborate tax avoidance schemes. Prosecuting criminal law matters in the CPS is for lawyers who couldn't make it anywhere else. Defence lawyers run rings around them.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Much as I have no sympathy with the CPS in this case (in my view, the driver should be sentenced to having to ride around the middle lane of the M25 on a Friday afternoon on a pink BMX), it's worth looking at this blog to see the crap they have to put up with:
  • vitesse169
    vitesse169 Posts: 422
    ...All of the above. The police can put a section 59 notice on veh/driver - this means that any further misuse of the veh will render it confiscated and crushed. This has been done to good effect here in Gloucestershire alongside the sect 165 whereby uninsured vehs are towed and crushed in 7 days. I am aware of 4 or 5 cars that are 165'd in the county each day. Some of these are undoubtedly poor drivers, in that they cannot drive properly. If the local police went to 'visit' this charachter to 'sh1t him up', he would probably stick 2 fingers up and tell them to p1ss off and put him in court if they have the evidence. It sounds like they have been to the cps who have declined to go to work today. As I said in my original piece, they are unaccountable, I shudder when I think how many prosecution files have been 'no evidence offered' to ditch a few as the lawyer cannot deal with the pile he/she has. Until a government comes along that is prepared to deal with this nettle robustly - this is what we will have. Sadly, this sort of behaviour if got away with WILL lead to worse. Watch out for more.....
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    iainment wrote:
    mgcycleguy wrote:
    ... if this was a civilised country... the cyclists would tool up and shoot the bast***d...

    ... and before any wet liberals start spouting about the rule of law, vigilantism, blah blah, well if the authorities doesn't protect its citizens, then the citizens have the moral justification to protect themselves

    No they don't.

    ... yes we do.. it is the first responsiblity of any govenement to protect its citizens, I defer to the authorities to protect me and my property... if they are nolonger able or capable or willing to do so... then I will have to take back fully that responsibilty. You have a right to self defence.

    You're wrong.
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    some one needs to go to this guys house and give him a kicking, have the police even looked into it as doing things like this is not natural surely he must have mental health problems

    So you have devised a new form of therapy then.
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • the statements should probably have been seperated, i think he needs some of his own medicine ie have the living dayligths scared out of him, and i hate it when people use the excuse' yer but he has mental health problems' oh so that makes it ok for him to go around knocking people off their bikes does it?/
    but if putting him on some medicine or in a mental hospital can cure him then that should be done