Rydale Rumble Hills

John C.
John C. Posts: 2,113
The first biggie is Boltby, assume it starts in Boltby itself, as there is a steep little hill in Boltby itself and then a nice decent before the bank starts for real. Relax down here, compose and get ready after the left hander after the ford (usually dry). Then up we go, get into your crawl gear by the hill sign and we go up :lol: then a slight rest as you go round a couple of small corners then it starts getting steeper with the steepest bit by the quarry near the top, once you're up to the right hander you've cracked it, just a bit more round the left hand bend.
Take it easy down to the ford at Caydale it's gravelly and the ford is shallowest on the left hand side, it's a goodie.
Blackey Bank this year starts as you leave the A170 as you will be climbing all the way up to Farndale apart from a couple of fast little descents so take it easy and Blackey just goes on and on, it will be hell if the sun is out.
Glasedale is a new one on me.
Rosedale, you will have a nice few miles of easy riding before hand so it's just the bank itself to worry about. It's a bitch, steep up to the first right hander then gets horrible round the next left right then is just ................. then its down hill to Hutton le hole.
Save a bit for Nunnington it'll kill you if you've nothing left in the tank.
hope to see some of you there, ENJOY

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Hills are just a matter of pace


  • Yorkman
    Yorkman Posts: 290
    The weather ought to better than last weekend as well, I drove from Westerdale to Hutton le Hole and it was thick fog, nightmare stuff.
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    See you there on Sunday. I was looking forward to this ride since I booked it in March. Unfortunately I came a cropper big style mid June. This meant broken ribs, a haematoma in the left leg and 15 stitches to patch up various holes. Worst still was 20 days off the bike and good form shot to s**t.

    I did the White Rose Classic after a week or so back on the bike, then the Phil and Friends yesterday. So I'm kinda getting back in shape

    But....regardless of form or otherwise this is a beast of a route. I pushed hard up Holme Moss and Winnats on Sunday just to get a slight taste of the pain the Rumble dishes out.

    Caper Hill....if it's wet it's that steep you can't get traction on the rear tyre....oh the joy!