Bike bag storage - Avignon

The Franckster
The Franckster Posts: 44
edited August 2009 in Tour & expedition
Hello everyone.

The Meme Sahib and I are planning to pop down to Provence with our bikes later this month on the Eurostar for a spot of touring. We're getting off at Avignon Centre railway station (not Avignon TGV) and our circular route will bring us back to Avignon Centre a week later for our return journey to Ashford.

Eurostar have told us, 'No bikes on that train unless they are in bike bags.'
Fair enough, we have soft bags but I'm wondering where on Earth we're going to stash them for the week whilst we're off riding. They're not exactly small and whilst they do roll up, the bases are the rigid type with wheels, so we're talking about a 1.2m long package when empty.

I've tried asking Eurostar for advice but their customer services are about as useful as a chocolate fire-guard. I've also tried ringing Avignon Centre station direct but can't get through (and even if I could I don't speak much French unless I'm in drink)

Does anyone out there have any info or experience on this issue?


  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    We did a club tour starting/finishing at Avignon Mar 2008

    The Hotel Cube were great. They arranged pickup from the airport + stowed bike boxes for us during the week we were riding. Only deal was we stayed first/last night with them which worked great in any case as gave bit of time to explore Avignon which is beautiful city.

    No restaurant there but only 10 min walk to old town + hotel had link with restaurant with great value meals.

    Things may have changed since but would suggest giving hotel a call (they speak good english) . (It was "Steve" who arranged our trip, so you could mention his name.)
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    The best bet would be to book a hotel in Avignon (eg the Hotel Cube) for your last night (or your first night would work too). I'm sure the hotel won't have any problems keeping the bags for you. a night in Avignon would hardly be trop pénible.

    Plan B would be to stash them under a hedge, but you still have to transport them to the hedge.

    Plan C might be to invest in a couple of Ground Effect Tardis bags. These work perfectly on TGVs and Eurostar. But you can pack them up into an phonebook-sized package, stick them in a polythene mailing bag and send to yourself poste restante at a suitable post office.
  • Agree with andymiller that it's worth asking a hotel you've booked into. I've used two hotels in Avignon, neither of them Hotel Cube or advertising bike-friendliness - pretty much your standard hotel - and they were both quite happy to store a squashed up rolly-type bike bag for a week between nights staying with them. IME most French hotels are bike friendly. Could be worth picking a hotel you like and then asking them if the Cube isn't available on the days you want.

    It probably won't help for this trip but next door to the left as you exit Avignon Centre-Ville there is a left-luggage facility - but the maximum deposit time is five days.
  • Thank you to all. A hotel it is then.
  • AngusG
    AngusG Posts: 5
    I stayed the first night at the Hotel d'Angleterre (it's in the Logis & Auberges book). They seemed happy enough for me to then leave some unnecessary baggage with them while I went off touring for about ten days, and then pick it up when I returned.